Wednesday, March 1, 2023

A couple of goals I am setting for myself.......

So I have just checked on my calendar and it seems I have put on 10 lbs since last September.  It's funny how those pounds just creep on; though I was pleasantly surprised it was only 10lbs.  Mind you I have known about those extra pounds for a while now, as I could feel it in my clothes.  So I am in a frame of mind again to do something about it, and have set myself a couple of goals.

  • Lose 30 lbs by the beginning of September.  Now that will translate to losing 5 lbs per month, which I think is doable....well I hope so.  If I lost 20lbs I would be happy.
  • One of my weaknesses is eating on a night, so another goal is to not eat anything after I have had my supper.  We at 5pm on the dot and are finished by 5:30pm.  I normally eat breakfast around 7am.  I have been doing this for four nights and so far so good.  I drink either water or herbal tea, on a night but no food.
  • Then my exercise of choice is walking.  I will admit to being terrified of slipping on the ice and snow, so that may be another couple of weeks until I pick that up again, as we still have a lot of snow around here.
One thing I am doing to stop myself eating on a night is keeping busy with my cross stitch.  

Do you tend to snack on a night?  Or do you have another time of day which is bad for you?


Angela said...

Definitely my weakness is The Evening Snack. We too used to eat around 5.30(usually because Bob or I had an evening event at church) and then have a cuppa and a bite of food when that was over. We are trying hard to kick the habit now we are retired. But darling, and fattening up!

Robin said...

Hi Gill, I found out about ten years ago that snacking after supper packs on the pounds for me. We eat supper the same time as you and then nothing until breakfast six o’clock the next morning. Sometimes my stomach is growling when I go to bed!�� It is scary walking in the winter. I have wiped out a couple times. Ninety percent of the time I walk with hubby so can clutch on to him when it is icy.
Good luck with everything!

Hawaii Planner said...

Evening snacking is also my challenge. I'm working on drinking tea, and brushing my teeth earlier - both of which seem to help.

Donna said...

We snack in the late afternoon...not good.
I walk rain or shine around in my house! I walk a path around the room, down the hallway, around the perimeter of our large playroom...anywhere I can get at least 6000-8000 steps.
Its working. The weather was nasty outside so I can't walk...but I can all over inside my house!lol

Practical Parsimony said...

I have early breakfast and late breakfast, same with lunch and dinner. However, when I am hungry at bedtime, I cannot eat that late. Sometimes, I awake in the night famished. But, do not eat. six small meals a day is what doctor recommends. NOT being able to walk is a problem.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

We eat at 5 as well and at 7 we treat ourselves to five almonds and then nothing until breakfast which is around 9 am. 5 almonds sounds silly but it's too easy to just grab an entire handful which defeats the purpose. We only have dessert on Saturday and Sunday nights and then it's a small portion. We might have a cookie with our afternoon coffee/tea on Sunday afternoon. We also will have the odd week where we add Bragg's cider vinegar into our morning cranberry juice...tastes pretty gross but I've read that it helps with weight loss. Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't, but I don't think it hurts us. Resident Chef has lost around 50 lbs and I've lost about 30 since we cut out desserts and evening snacks. We watch our portion sizes as well.

My Piece of Earth said...

Your goals are the same as mine, I want to lose at least 15-20 lbs. by the end of July.
I do not snack at all, I know my problem is eating way too much food at meals. I like comfort food in the Winter months, hopefully when warmer weather comes it will encourage me to eat lighter, in the mean time putting less food on my plate.

Walking, I try to do it every day when there are no slippery conditions on the road.

Joy said...

I think five pounds a month is very do-able so good luck.
I do Intermittent Fasting (when I can) and my window is eleven to seven so, usually, after seven, that's it - no more food.
Works for me and I think that's the bottom line - find what works for you and then do it consistently.

Maggie said...

Yes, evening snacking is my downfall too. It's hard breaking the habit isn't it, so well done for doing that.
Since being at home I have put on around a stone, and I'm finding it so hard to loose. Never carried any weight until these last few years so it frustrates me. I have never been a breakfast person, I don't generally start to feel hungry until dinner time, hubby isn't here during the week so I tend to have my main meal between 12 and 1pm and then something lighter between 6 and 7pm.

Paula M. in the Blue Ridge Mts. said...

I don't tend to snack at night unless my husband puts on a cooking show. Then, I head straight to the pantry.

Bitstarz said...

You have a very interesting and helpful blog. Keep it up!

Caree Risover said...

I recently participated in a research study which involved fasting for 14 hours between evening meal and breakfast. Although the data gathered is still being analysed, it seems the majority of participants found a big improvement in the severity of bloating and related issues as a consequence.

Rose said...

Seems like at night is the only time I can eat and is terrible I know.

Sunday Song

From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...