Thursday, March 30, 2023

Well I didn't think that through.........

I was out and about earlier in the week and stopped in at Homesense and bought this lovely shower curtain.  

I love the colours and the print.
So warm and bright.

BUT; it doesn't really go with the paint on the walls in the bathroom.  So I am going to have to paint the bathroom 😕  Huh, guess I didn't think that one through.......more work 😉


Donna said...

Hahaaa...paint the bathroom instead of taking the curtain back...You're a hard worker friend! It IS a pretty curtain though...I'd be tempted!
Have fun!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Painting the bathroom instead of just getting another curtain? Ummm....better you than me!

angela said...

You know. Once the bathroom is done. The rest of the house will look shabby so it will need a fresh coat of paint too lol
Might of opened a big can of worms there.

William Kendall said...


Rose said...

Maybe you just wanted an excuse to paint....

Jackie said...

Very pretty curtain. So what colour are you painting the bathroom?

God bless.

Designer said...

Painting the bathroom instead of just getting another curtain? Ummm....better you than me! montreal kitchen cabinets

montreal kitchen cabinets said...

Maybe you just wanted an excuse to paint..

Aleena More said...

Maybe you just wanted an excuse to paint.... Child Custody Lawyer Toronto

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...