Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Update on Costco

So I have had my Costco membership now for around 3 months.  It seems as though I am popping in there every couple of weeks.  It helps it is just around the corner (a five minute drive) from where we live.  So it is very handy.  The one thing I am buying there consistently is yogurt.  What I am paying for 16 in Walmart I pay the same for in Costco and get 24 yogurts.  So at this point the membership is paying for itself by the savings there.

Now if Costco was at the north end of the city I wouldn't be visiting as often and would probably say it wasn't worthwhile.  However as I said, so far so good.

On today's visit I bought the following:

As well as the usual yogurt's, bananas, and fruit snacks.  I got enough Bounce dryer sheets to last me a couple of years.  16 bars of Dove soap, which should last me at least 6 months!!  Some t-shirts for hubby for work, $15.99 for 4 and a new pair of swim shorts, again $15.99.  Both the dryer sheets and soap had extra savings on them, making it a worthwhile buy.

Spent a few cents under $100, but I do think it was money well spent.


Joy said...

I wish we had a Costco nearer here. It sounds brilliant.

Donna said...

How I WISH Costco was right around the corner! We live in Waco Tx and the nearest one is in Austin...90 miles away.
Nice haul!!

William Kendall said...

Admittedly not feasible for me, but such is life.

jj said...

We go every 2-3 weeks and yes, some staples are just better off from them! Milk, eggs, avacados and bannanas - best prices at Costco - plus gas!

Anne in the kitchen said...

Costco is very close to my house, but we only go in the store once a month, where we buy the same 5 things over and over. We do fill up with gas there every time we need gas because it is always cheaper.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Our closest Costco is about an hour away and now that DH is dealing with sciatica issues we don't go. We always liked their Kirkland brand of toilet paper, paper towels, and 'kleenex'. And their rotisserie chickens are really good too.

Jeanie said...

I've withdrawn till fall (we go away in the summer and there's no Costco there) so I bought up before I left. Ricola cough drops, toilet paper and Kleenex, along with Tylenol and vitamins. Can't beat it!

Robin said...

We have been thinking about getting a Costco membership. We live half between the Costco in Peterborough and the Costco in Kingston so could visit both. A visit with a friends membership quickly added up to $200.00!
Take care.

50 and counting said...

Try their rotisserie chicken. It's awesome. Leftovers go into a pie or curry and the bones become soup.

Husband is addicted to their $1.50 Hot Dog and pop combo. Son tried the pizza slice and said it was good.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Agreed. But I agree with 50 and something - buy that rotisserie chicken. We get several meals used different ways and then the carcass makes great soup or broth. I don't know what they do to their rotisserie chicken but it's far superior than any other grocery store.

Rose said...

I always have enjoyed your posts about shopping and the deals you find.

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...