Thursday, November 30, 2017

Paige's quilt (photo heavy)

Finally got it finished and have to say I am really pleased with it.  It's a good size at around 60 inches wide and over 70 inches in length.

The label I put on the quilt.
 The fabric on the right is from Halloween, November and the green on is from March.
 The bottom right is from February, and the bottom left one is from December.
 The fabric with rabbits on it is from April.

I hope she likes it.  Nora has hers on her bed, so uses it everyday.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Flu Shot

For the first time ever DH and I got our flu shots.  Last time I was at the doctor's he said that DH really should have a flu shot because as he put it; 

"he is the poster boy of the people who really should have a flu shot."

His chest is so bad when he gets a cold, and unlike normal/regular people it takes him months to get rid of a cold.

As with most things in life it seems, he won't do these sort of things unless I do it.  The only thing I have refused point blank to do before him is get a point in asking me why not!!!

We went to our local Wal-Mart where our pharmacy is and one of the pharmacists did it.  Very painless, quick and easy.  We even got a bandaid/plaster on our "wound," which I proudly showed Nora via Facetime.  She has a bandaid/plaster fetish!!  However she had a nicer bandaid on her knee (AGAIN!) which she had to show me.  No point in competing with a four year old as to who has the most and or better bandaids, it seems.

Do you get a flu shot?

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Another Christmas Gift made........

This is a present for Jeina.  This is the outside
 This is the inside.
 Close up of inside, any idea what it is yet?
 It's a Baby Doll Pouch Blanket/Swaddle Wrap.  I found a pattern here, and have altered it to suit me.
 I added a snap so you can fold the bottom up and keep it up.
 I also added Velcro, so when you wrap the front over it will hold in place
 The baby doll and wrap are part of Jeina's Christmas present.
 I have three more to make now!!  I think the girls will love them.
I am finishing another one off, that I made in the 24 inch size as suggested in the original pattern.  Personally it is way too big.  So my material requirements are:

18 inch square of outside fabric.
18 inch square of inside fabric.
18 inch square of batting.
9 inch x 18 inch of fabric for pocket.
75 inches of binding for the edge
Velcro (optional)
Snap (optional)
Label (optional)

I will post a tutorial if requested.

Friday, November 24, 2017

Check List......

Snow tires installed - check

Insurance company called to get 5% discount for installing snow tires - check

Information input into computer for a rebate on buying snow tires - check

Only going to get around $60 discount on insurance and $60 prepaid Visa card for the rebate.  However it's better that money in our pocket than in the companies pocket, right!!

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Made out like a bandit..........

I have discovered a new to me fabric store.  It's called Hummingbird Sewing in Barrie, Ontario.  To save me travelling to drop off my quilt, when I wanted it sewn, Rose uses this store as a drop off and pick up point.  I signed up for their newsletter and emails, and got an email to let me know that on Wednesday they had a couple of special deals.  The zippers were buy one get one free and ten packages of buttons for $10.  There wasn't a great selection of zippers, but did pick up four for the price of two for my stash and get ten packages of buttons, as they are always handy to have on hand.

This is what I go for $10:

I was so pleased with what I chose, as they will be good for both knitting and sewing.  Not sure if you can see the prices, but the package with three buttons on them is normally $7 each package.  They are so pretty.  Not sure what I'll do with the spiders, probably something Halloween themed!

I had to go to Barrie for a couple of other things, so it was worthwhile me stopping by to pick these up.

Happy Thanksgiving to my friends south of the border, hope you have a lovely day!

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Look what I saw in Wal-Mart...

Any thoughts!!  I am quite interested in this!!!  We all need help to poop better!!

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

What to do when it's cold and snowy outside......

Snuggle up under a quilt and sew the binding on it and that will keep you toasty warm.
Rose did a beautiful job again on this quilt; she also quilted Nora's quilt.  I will post a full photo of it when it is completely finished.  I love this material I used for the backing and binding, it's called Architextures for Robert Kaufman,  I have used the tangerine colourway on another quilt and this is the grey colourway.  I would use it again, it's a good neutral to use.

I got a number of pocket tissue covers and matching key fobs finished for the animal shelter also on the weekend.
That will have to do for them for the moment as I have some other sewing I need to get crossed of my list, including making Barbie clothes.  I have four "naked" Barbie dolls sitting on the dining room table, so need to make a wardrobe of clothes for them and the rest of Nitara's Barbies for her birthday in January.  

If anyone has some links for free Barbie clothes patterns please let me know.  I have found a couple but not 100% happy with them.  I also need to run up four Baby Doll Pouch Blanket's for the girls for Christmas, as I think both the big girls and the babies/little girls will enjoy them.

On a night I am tackling a knitting project and will show you that once I get a decent way into it.  I would like to get an adult hat also knit before Christmas as well as a little present for someone.  All in all I have plenty to keep me out of mischief for the forseable!!

Are busy with making things for Christmas?

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Walking the Serengeti

I am not walking the actual Serengeti, but I did just get the Fit Bit badge for walking a total of 500 miles since I started walking.  Not bad since the end of June.  

"You may not have seen wildebeasts, giraffes or zebras on this trek, but you have walked 500 miles—the same distance as the Serengeti, one of the 7 Natural Wonders of the World."

I am still enjoying my walking, especially as it is a lot cooler now, which to my mind is perfect walking weather.  I am not happy walking when it's stinking hot, pouring with rain and I guess I'll not be happy when it's snowing like crazy and is icy.

I am down between 26 to 28lbs, I seem to fluctuate with those two pounds, but I am still holding steady with my weight, which is good.  If I made more of an effort I would lose more, but I am enjoying this slow and steady weight loss as it doesn't feel like hard work.

My next badge I am working towards is Italy which is 736 miles walked.  Hoping to get that by the end of January/beginning of February.  I would also like to earn the High Tops badge which is 20,000 steps in one day......but I don't think that will be happening any time soon.  If I get over 10,000 steps per day I am a happy camper.

This Fit Bit is keeping me motivated and I would highly recommend getting one.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Disappointed in myself........

Without going into full details or name names I am disappointed in myself that I have let the actions of a couple of people hurt me and have let them walk over me and make me do things I don't want to do.

I need to stand up for myself more and gain a stronger back bone to deal with these things. Oh and more importantly say NO, instead of yes.

Enough said.............

Friday, November 17, 2017

Paper clips...........

Do you know that the Paper Clip was invented in 1899 or 1901 depending on what you read by a Norwegian called John Vaaler.

There is an article here called 10 facts about Paperclips.

Do you remember back in 2005 when a Canadian traded a red paperclip and ended up with a house?  You can read more about it here.

One of the most expensive paper clips must be this Prada one:

You can read more about it here.  Personally I have better things to do with $185 USD.

Do you know paper clips are popular to use in arts and crafts?  Neither did I, here is a couple of links that you may find interesting.  Here and here.

Finally why did I write a post about paper idea😊

Thursday, November 16, 2017

4 already............

Can you believe it Nora is 4 today?
This photo was taken earlier in the month.  Both girls are tall for their age, we're expecting a 5' 7" + girl out of Nora, and the same for Paige.

The past four years have flown by.  She started school in September and loves to write her name and everyone else's.  Has a new best friend called Olivia.  Is the only child I know who LOVES going to the doctors.  She is the doctors best child patient and will do anything she asks of Nora.

She is also a hypochondriac as well😏 and her parents should take shares out in the band aid/plaster industry as they go through that many.  At any given time Nora has a band aid on her body somewhere.  She's full of questions and loves her sister, except when Paige pulls off Nora's band aids in the bath tub!!

We love all our grandchildren equally and all of them are a delight, but on this day, it's all about Nora.  On Saturday all the grandchildren are getting together at The Build A Bear for a birthday party and it will be crazy but fun.

Happy Birthday Miss Nora, we love you ever so much!

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

I need an intervention......or a cleaner!!

This is what our dining room table looks like at the moment:

The sad thing about all this, is I actually know what everything is for.  I just need to spend a day sewing and get the place tidied up!!!

Meanwhile I posted three new book reviews on my Book Review Blog here.

Oh and yes you can blame me for snow, as I did wash my car on Tuesday morning.  It was above freezing, so thought I'd take advantage of it!

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Countdown to Christmas is now on.....

Now that Remembrance Day is over I can now fully concentrate on getting things organized for Christmas.  I am probably 80% done with my Christmas shopping.  Do have to start on writing Christmas cards.  The house is to decorate, but that will wait until the end of the month.

Christmas is made a bit easier for me, as I put money away each and every week for it, so there is always money in the pot and no worrying about having to pay for everything.

For Christmas this year dh and I are going to see the musical Bat Out Of Hell and are buying snow tires for the car.

Just in case you are wondering there are 40 days until Christmas and you can always check here to make sure 😊

If you celebrate Christmas, how are you getting on with your preparations?

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Not bad for a spider and Merry Christmas Olive and Rhubarb.....

That is one cute sounding spider!!

Dd wanted a new cat bed for her two cats, so I made one.  I bought a Giant Whale pillow from Wal-Mart, at $5 + taxes for the middle of the cushion.
 The front/top of the cat bed is made using 100% cotton fabric called Fur Ball (very appropriate I thought!) Tabby Road by Tula Pink.
 The back cover is made using brown minky.  I hate sewing with minky, as bits get everywhere!!
I have a feeling though the cats will have to fight with the girls to claim it as their own.

The colours did not photograph up well at all.  It is a yellow orange on the background with a bright red orange as the fur balls.  Olive and Rhubarb will be getting their Christmas present early; this weekend.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Felt a bit like opening a Christmas Present.........

A package came in the mail on Wednesday.  It was a package of fabric from Fabric Spot.  Unfortunately Fabric Spot is closing down on November 17th, and now has 50% off it's fabric.  Most of the fabric I bought was for my "stash," and I only got 40% off.........BOO😞

I did buy these fabrics to use for our local animal shelter fund raiser.
Thought these "Yarn type" fabrics would come in handy.....
 May make a quilt with these fabrics..........
 A couple of neutrals to add to my stash.
 Some Kona basics here.
 I am not a huge fan of Batik patterns but thought I would try this one.
 This is pretty and again a different type of pattern for me.
 Five fat quarters which are even prettier in person.
So now to get on with some sewing.  I will post a couple of photos of things I made for the animal shelter tomorrow.

It's also our baby's birthday today.  Our daughter is 32 years old today, Happy Birthday and hope you have a lovely day!!

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Sewing for a friend (photo heavy)

Got a call from a friend who had been cleaning out her basement and came across some of her girls clothes from when they were little.  The girls are now 19 and 21.  She asked if I could make her a project bag using some of the clothes.

Here are the clothes before.  As you can see there are a variety of clothes, including a bridesmaid dress on the left hand side of the photo.  The only item I did not use what the pink and green dinosaur one, as I couldn't think what to make with it.
So here is what I made from those dresses:

From the organza overlay of the bridesmaid dress and the lining of the dark blue dress on the far right, I made two lingerie bags for the girls or friend to put their undies in when putting them in the washing machine.
 They are so light and airy and will dry in no time.  I made my own design for this.
 Pocket tissue cover and a couple of key fobs from various dresses.
 Two project bags, a lot smaller than the one I made for me only around 11 inches wide by 10 inches high, again my own pattern.
 Again fully reversible but this time with pockets on both the inside and the outside.
 A 16 inch square cushion cover, using 4 inch squares of material from one daughters dresses.
 Again another 16 inch cushion cover using 4 inch squares from the other daughters dresses.
 I used more of the bridesmaid dress material from the main dress for the backing on both the cushion covers.
I hope she will be happy with what I made.  I am very nervous about her seeing what I did to her daughters clothes.  

I have to say I felt awful when I cut into the first dress, but got over it pretty fast when the creative juices started to flow!!

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Project Bag........

One of the things I have been up too is making a project bag.  A project bag can be made many different ways and there are many different patterns out there for them.  I took ideas from a couple and made my own.  Here is mine.  

I made mine using five fat quarters of material and I used the selvedge (side note: that is the British way of spelling selvedge) from the material for the draw string. 

It has boxed corners and two large pockets on the outside.  There are no pockets on the inside.
 It is also fully reversible which would put the pockets on the inside and measures 18 inches high and 15 inches wide.  It's fully washable also.
It is ideal for using as a tote bag type of bag, or for carrying or storing a project in while you are working on it.

I was asked to make one for a friend (albeit smaller) so wanted to try and make one for myself before making hers.  

I honestly have little use for this one, so if anyone would like it, I am willing to sell it to whomever for $40 CDN + shipping.  As I said I used five fat quarters of good 100% cotton material.  I will change out the drawstring to a better one.  This one is not 100% perfect but is very usable.

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...