Sunday, November 9, 2014

Hi and sorry if I have worried you.

Everything is fine I just don't feel I have had much to talk about.  I am guessing though that is not true when I think about it, life has been busy and good.

Our son bought his first house and got moved in.  We are going today for an early birthday celebration for our daughter.  Her birthday is tomorrow.

I have UNFORTUNATELY got addicted to a bloody game on the computer called BIG FARM...LOL  Seriously I can't get anything done!!    I do post on Facebook.

Next week it is our little Munchkin's first birthday, so I will share lots of photos then.  She had her 1st birthday cake smash photo shot a week or two ago.  I never got due to a major problem on the highway.  I ended up turning around and coming home as the traffic was that bad, so was bummed out about that.  Here is a photo that the photographer released on Facebook:

I do have the others, but dd asked me not to post them until after her birthday party.

She is walking now and into everything.  They are teaching her how to get off the sofa without landing smack dab on her face!!   She is a climber like her mother was. I think she is getting her back molars as she is drooling like a river again.  Overall she is a doll.

Saw our little Princess yesterday and she is growing like a weed at 22 months.  She is a super little talker and talks in sentences.  I am going to assume she is potty trained through the day (mom will correct me if I am wrong) and is a delight to be around.  Our little fella is also growing like a weed and will be 2 months old on the 12th.  He had put on 3 lbs in his first month and I would say he has probably put on the same this month.  He has the most gorgeous head of hair and gorgeous big eyes.  I will make a point of getting photos of them all next Sunday at the party.

Will try and post more often as there are things to tell you about when I think about it!!  Now back to my bloody farm (the game!!)

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...