Friday, July 26, 2024

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed to go and so I made an appointment for both of us.

The reason I needed to see him was to get a prescription for a Shingles vaccination.  I have had shingles three times in my life, the last time being a year ago.  However, I have never seen our family doctor regarding this.

The first time was when I was 20 and had shingles when I gave birth to our son.  The second time was in the Fall of 2022, and the third time was in the Spring of 2023.  When I explained this to our doctor, he actually asked me if I was sure if I had, had shingles!!  How could three doctors be wrong!!!!

Anyhow I got my prescription and went to our pharmacy by our home.  Thankfully our insurance covered the cost of the vaccination, which was $165; but had to pay $15 out of pocket for the pharmacist to administer the injection.  It will cost another $165 for the second one in October and $15 for the pharmacist to administer the injection.

Have any of you had the shingles vaccination?  

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Day out

It was hot and very humid yesterday, so as hubby is off and cannot sit down for any length of time(!!) I decided we'd have a drive to Vaughan Mills mall, to have a walk around in an air conditioned area, so hubby couldn't work outside in the garden and then complain to me how hot and tired he was!!!  I know, I tell him to sit down but he doesn't listen...LOL

Anyhow, other than buying a couple of things in the Tommy Hilfiger store, as there was a super good sale, we didn't buy much of anything.  I did however call in at the Kate Spade store, and had a look around.  I saw these the last time I was in there and decided to take  some photos to share with you.  The first two bags are more collector's items than anything, as honestly they hold very little.  Your phone and a couple of small items maybe; but I do love the look of them.

The peacock had a long strap and should be over $400 as per the Kate Spade site, here.  I thought it was neat but not practical.

The flower pot again was so different, nothing like I have seen before.  It opens, apart, you can see it better here.  Again over $400 before the sale.  I could see this worn with a long flowy dress at a garden party?
I did like the peacock wallet but even with the 40% off it was $140, again you can see it here.

We had lunch in the food court and had enough left overs for our supper.  Hubby of course went outside when he got back home to do some more work on a project outside, until it started raining!!  No wonder he is tired.

Another day out today, as hubby has doctors appointments in the morning and afternoon.  He is dropping me off at the mall in the morning while he goes for his morning appointment.  I don't enjoy either the doctor, or the office of his morning appointment, so he can get on with that.  The afternoon one though, both of us are seeing our family doctor.  I will fill you in on that tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Packed lunch

Hubby takes a packed lunch every day for his lunch at work.  As he is retiring soon, I thought I'd record what he took for lunch for one week at work, so I could look back and remember what I used to pack.  

I will say for many years he took sandwiches, but he wanted to change it up a couple of years ago, so change it up I did.  Then we got one of the divided lunch boxes, so changed it up again.

He takes lunch four days a week, and on the fifth as he works only until lunch time, he just takes a couple of snacks/breakfast and has lunch at home.

So here is what he took one week for his breakfast and lunch.

Monday: He had, a wedge of cheese, a boiled egg.  Two cooked sausages, sliced up with a small container of mustard.  A bag of crackers, cut up cucumber and dip.  Melon, a pudding and a yogurt.  He did not eat it all.

Tuesday: A muffin, a Scotch egg, crackers, cucumber and dip.  Yogurt and pudding.  The melon was under ripe, so had to throw it out.
Wednesday: I had lunch out the day before and I didn't eat my spinach and feta pie from the Greek place, so gave that to hubby with the dip.  A boiled egg, cucumber, crackers, Bear Paws yogurt bar, a granola bar, a pudding and a yogurt.
Thursday: Cucumber and dip, a Scotch egg, cubed cheese.  Crackers, Bear Paw yogurt bar, Fruit Filled bar, a granola bar, a banana, a yogurt and a pudding.
He has no fridge to put his lunch box in, so uses a couple of ice packs.  However, when the temperature is very high outside, I have to be careful with what I pack in his lunch.

When we eat lunch at home, we often eat Ryvita crackers with cottage cheese or Hummus and rice crackers.  Along with fruit and granola bars, or apple sauce.  We have our main meal at night.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

It's not a mistake...


I am so glad I am not a follower of fashion!!  This isn't a mistake.  Who goes out in miss matched sneakers?  This was on our local auction site.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Back again.......

 Just got caught up with my temperature cross stitch.

We are more than half way through July, and honestly I am over Summer.  I am not a fan of the heat and the humidity.  The humidity really drags me down.  We did get a couple of "cooler" days last week, but still too warm for me.

I have just got this book from the library, so far, so good.

I have also started this puzzle:

This one is a bit bigger than my usual 1,000 pieces.  I got it on clearance at HomeSense for $11.  When I get a puzzle, I sort out the edge pieces from the inside pieces.  Then put the outside edges together and then start on the inside.   My table is just big enough to hold the 1,500 pieces.

Is that how you start a puzzle?

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Sunday Song - A classic

This song never gets old  I get goosebumps every time I hear it.  We have seen Sarah Brightman in concert twice.  Now I love her voice, but not a fan of Sarah the person, sorry.  Andrea Bocelli's voice is perfect with Sarah's in this duet.  Enjoy!

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...