(Wednesday morning and it took seconds to upload this photo??)

Now the classic way of making a trifle in this house, is sponge cake, then jello, and fruit if I have it, on a special occasion I soak the sponge in sherry. Then custard on top of that, using Bird's custard powder, then whipped cream on top of that. No trifle is complete without sprinkles/hundreds and thousands sprinkled on the top of the whipped cream. However that is the only way I will eat sprinkles. When I go to the donut shop, a donut with sprinkles on would be the last one I would buy, however I always buy them for the kids as they are their favourite donut.
I know in Britain they call them hundred's and thousands, in Canada and probably the States we call them sprinkles. How do you make your trifle?
I had to go into town this morning to Shopper's Drug Mart they had a promo on when you spend $50 you get a $10 certificate to spend later at Shopper's so I stocked up on a couple of things. While in the store I got talking to a lady while I was looking at some of the quilting magazines and she told me about a quilting store, which was just around the corner. It's called Lilac Lane Quilts and is run by a super lady called Liz. She was so helpful and although I didn't have a good look around as I had a headache, I can see me going to that store on a regular basis. Plus Liz is a wealth of information on local things, which is always helpful!!
In the same plaza there were two doctors offices, so I figured I'd call in and see about registering. Went to the first office and managed to talk to a very helpful lady, and she said one lady doctor would be willing to see us in January 2010, but she only worked Monday to Thursday mornings, and Thursday afternoon, her last appointment being 4:45pm. She doesn't have hospital privileges though, and would only take us on if we had no major medical problems. Left there very unsure about all of that, and said I would get back to her. However she also gave me a phone number for the hospital where you can be put on the waiting list.
I then called in at the other office in the plaza and basically all she said was no they weren't taking anyone on. There was a third office on the main street on my way home, so I called in there and she gave me another number to call and register. The number is for Health Care Connect and is 1-800-445-1822. However this is for people who have NO FAMILY DOCTOR at all. You can't be registered with any doctor.
We are still registered with our family doctor in our old city, and don't want to give up that doctor until we get another one in the closest town to us. The only reason we want to change doctors is that it is a 45 minute drive from where we live, and he is constantly running an hour behind, so a visit to the doctor's office is a three hour experience!! Anyhow, I ended up leaving our name and number on the hot line with the local hospital, and when any doctor takes on new patients we will be notified. No idea when that will happen, but at least our names are now on the list.
As with many areas, family doctors are in such short supply in this area.