Thursday, March 9, 2023

That time of the month again......

Picked up my monthly produce bag.  I pay $20 for it.  I did leave the 10lb bag of potatoes with them, and they will donate them to the food bank, as I still have half a bag of potatoes left over from last month.

There was quite a nice selection in the bag.  Everything that we will use.  Again the I will stew the apples and have apple sauce with yogurt for a pudding for supper.  Last month's bag was red delicious apples and they were nasty stewed.  This month's they are Fuji, fingers crossed they are better.

I will pay for another 3 months I think and go from there.  The price of of produce is still high in our neck of the woods.  Are things getting any cheaper where you live?


Joy said...

I really don't like red or golden delicious apples - over here they are tasteless and lacking in texture. Not nice. Fuji are better bit I would say they are eaters, not cookers.
At the moment, my favourites are a type called 'Smitten'. Do you have them where you are?

Jackie said...

Yep Delicious apples are horrible for baking. Not too sure how Fuji react to cooking at all.

God bless.

Boud said...

I like Fuji, Gala and Envy. I think they're related strains. All the others I skip except granny Smith for cooking.

Nothing is getting cheaper, but there are some surprising gaps in availability. But I do get good produce, so there's that.

William Kendall said...

It sounds worthwhile to keep at it.

My Piece of Earth said...

I am not a fan of delicious apples, I buy Gala for eating.

Lettuce and broccoli were a bit cheaper this week, everything else much the same.

I have noticed over the last little while, packaging is smaller but still charging the same price.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I don't know if there's any of these types of offers locally any longer. There was awhile ago and we subscribed for a few months. They advertised it as being 'local produce' but it mystified us as to why things like oranges would be included...obviously they don't grow here. During the times when things like strawberries and corn should have been available locally they weren't included. It was expensive and certainly didn't appear to support the local farmers so we gave it up. I don't think it lasted very long.

maureenlthompson said...

I have often wondered why they do not grow cooking apples in North America. I have lived both in Canada and the US and have never ever seen any for sale. Would love to be able to buy Bramley cookers!

Linda said...

Looks like a good produce bag. I've never tried it as I have some many food allergies or food that doesn't agree with me. Nice of you to donate the potatoes.

angela said...

I wonder if you add some berries, even frozen ones when stewing will it help with the taste.
Yes things are getting more and more expensive here as well. And now we are heading into autumn and winter I’m sure they will be even more expensive.

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...