Thursday, March 23, 2023

Video Door Bell

Another update.  We have had our doorbell installed a couple of months now and so far so good.

We ended up getting a EZVIZ Video Doorbell Camera from Amazon. It is hard wired into the house, not wireless. Now with this one you don't need a subscription to store your video's.  You can install a SD Card and any video's will store on that for you and I think lasts a few weeks.

We did have an extra expense though as our door faces one way and our pathway and driveway face another.  So we had to buy an extra bracket to angle the doorbell down the pathway.
You can just see the top of it in the photo.  We got if off a guy in Alabama via Etsy.  He makes them with a 3D printer and the first one he sent us wasn't correct.  Luckily hubby was able to send the exact measurements and he made us another one at no charge and sent it up right away.  So anyone else wanting a bracket for this doorbell will now get one made with no issue!!  The guy thought all this brand had the same measurements.
It took a bit of fiddling with to get the angles right.  Also the sensitivity correct.  I mean the first time it snowed it was constantly going off 😕  Regardless, now it works great and doesn't pick up every gust of wind....LOL  The video is very clear and as I said overall it works a charm and worth every penny.  So a 10/10 from me.


Angela said...

We find our video doorbell very useful. Being able to speak to the caller without opening the door is good. I feel more secure.

Donna said...

We have a wireless camera...moveable. We love it.

Jenn Jilks said...

Great idea. I have one that has wireless, as well.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Luckily we have no need for one because we live in an apartment, but I can certainly see their value for houses. Glad you were able to figure out a solution to the angles.

William Kendall said...

I can see that coming in handy.

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...