Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Yea or Nay?

I don't know about you, but I hate it when the time Spring's forward an hour in the Spring and Fall's back an hour in the Fall.  It throws my whole body clock out.  I know I sound like a whining 3 year old, but it does me in for a week or two, as that is how long it takes me to adjust to the time change.

This past weekend our clocks changed, and since then I have been out of sorts.  There is talk by various governments to stop Daylight Savings Time, but in Ontario's case, we will only stop the bi-annual changing of the clocks if the province of Quebec and the state of New York agrees to as well.  I wish they would just get on with it.

The whole idea of Daylight Savings Time is saving money on energy/fuel.  I read the Wikipedia article and found it very interesting.

Regardless though, I am over it, I vote for no more Daylight Savings!!  How about you?


Donna said...

I just want it to be one hour forward OR one hour back and Stay that way!!
I'm like you...I totally stay in a fog for a few weeks!
Hope you enjoy the day for my coffee and walk around the playroom. Trying to get my 10,000 steps in. I use to do 14,,,16 thousand steps two years ago. Now I'm lucky if I get 5,000.

William Kendall said...

No more daylight saving. Get rid of it. I'd rather stay on standard time.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I would happily kick the entire clock changing thing to the curb. I think most people feel the same but for some reason the various governments can't seem to get their act together (and what's new about that?!!).

Frances Moseley said...

I'm all for staying one way or the other. It is the changing of the clocks that throws all of us off. Here in the US, there is a bill being brought before our Congress to leave us on DST year-round. DST or no DST, I don't really care, as long as we don't have to do the stupid clock changing twice a year.

Boud said...

I don't like the days of confusion every time the clock changes. It's not actually saving anything! The sun does its rounds exactly as always. Farmers tending animals and crops don't change with the clock. Even pets demand the same feeding schedule year round. I wish it just stayed still!

Meg B. said...

I HATE Daylight Savings Time. I remember in elementary school, in the early 1970's, when the U.S. stayed on in through winter "to save energy." Not sure how, as we needed the lights on when we arrived at school. I read in an article I can't seem to find now, that it was pushed by factory owners to trick their employees into thinking they weren't working the better part of their summers away, since it was still light when they came home.

Winifred said...

Have to say it doesn't bother me. My body clock is off kilter whatevere time we're on. I love those long light nights & would hate to lose them if they kept us on the winter time. Roll on British Summertime in 11 days, can hardly wait.

Maggie said...

LOL. It doesn't affect me in any way that I've noticed although I didn't change one clock downstairs and the one by my bed at all in October when they went back, my husband thinks I'm mad but it did help with my sleep pattern and the time I got up.

Practical Parsimony said...

I love DST! It has not had any effect on me. Well, I do love more light later. I want DST year round.

Rose said...

I cannot focus enough to read the article...but I will never believe it saves anything. Quite the opposite I think. And I detest the spring forward. Falling back has it effects,too, but not near as negative as the spring forward. Our state was one that did not observe it till just a few years ago. And I thought they were thinking about dropping it, but the other night on the local news, they were talking like they were trying to get it till we never fall back.

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...