Wednesday, March 29, 2023

No amount of money would make me want to do this..........

Here in Ontario/Canada, we have had a new budget released from both the Provincial and Federal Governments this past week.  Neither has benefited hubby or I personally.  As with all things, some things we agree with, some we don't.

Now, that is where this blog post title comes into play.  Would you want to be a politician?  I know I wouldn't because to my mind no one is ever happy with everything you do.  There is always someone complaining about what you have, or have not done.  There is never enough money to pay for everything........mind you that doesn't seem to stop them from spending money willy-nilly.

We were brought up to only spend what we have, and if we have to borrow money (i.e. mortgage) you have a plan of action on how to repay the money?  We were brought up not to lie.  So I am guessing I would make a terrible politician 😏

I wonder why people want to be politician's?  


Hard up Hester said...

I Read somewhere that the wish to be a politician should automatically preclude one from becoming one!

Maggie said...

Nope, I wouldn't either. None of them can give a straight answer to a question, I'm guessing they are trained to do this as all parties do it. Not a job I would fancy, like you say, you can't please everyone though

Magpie's Mumblings said...

There's no way in the world I would ever want to be a politician. It seems when you get into a leadership position everything that happens suddenly becomes your fault, despite the fact that common sense would tell people (if they possessed any!) that the person in question had absolutely nothing to do with it. No matter what they do, as goes the old saying, they're damned if they do and damned if they don't.

William Kendall said...

Definitely not for me.

Jeanie said...

No way, no how. My guess is they perceive power, at least most. But for me? Not on a bet.

Karen said...

Once upon a time I considered running in our municipal election for a seat on the township councel. That was almost thirty years ago. Today, it's either the same people, or their offspring, on councel. What does that tell you? No newcomers allowed perhaps?

Jenn Jilks said...

My son-in-law ran for the feds one year. He lost 30 lbs. door knocking!

Rose said...

You could not pay me enough!

Sunday Song

From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...