Friday, March 10, 2023

Weekly cross stitch update..

Haven't done as much this week on my cross stitch as I have an "injury."  I have one of those cuts on the end of my thumb and it's sore.  Plus it catches on everything.  Add into the fact that cross stitch aggravates my carpal tunnel on both hands, I have had to take things a little slower.  I have been bracing both hands when sleeping overnight so that's helping.

However things are coming along nicely and I am still thoroughly enjoying doing it.
What crafts if any are you doing at the moment?


Practical Parsimony said...

Nothing on the crafts front. That injury looks nasty for any kind of stitching.

William Kendall said...

I've had that myself. It's annoying.

Jackie said...

I am working on a sweater right now. Hopefully finished that soon. I have also been cutting out clothes patterns and saving any suitable scraps. Yesterday I cut them into 4" squares and the smaller bits into 2" squares. I also managed to once again cut my finger with the rotary cutter.

Love your stitching.

God bless.

My Piece of Earth said...

The cross stitch is looking lovely.

I am quilting, at the present time I am doing a baby girl quilt my sister has asked me to make as one of her son's relatives is expecting in June.

Pictures when it is finished.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Owwwww - that looks so sore! Have you tried 'New Skin Liquid Bandage'? Comes in a bottle like nail polish. Stinks to high heaven but it will help seal your split in your thumb.
I'm continuing to work on the hexie quilt during the day and am knitting an 1898 hat in the evenings in front of the tv.

maureenlthompson said...

Those cuts are really painful, I use Eucerine cream which helps. Just card making right now, my making things mojo is like me, getting old and lazy!

Barbara Anne said...

I'm machine quilting a doll quilt and next up will be boldly (and with my fingers crossed) machine quilting a 51" square scrappy baby quilt for a friend's first granddaughter who was born last Monday.
Have you heard of "I found a Quilted Heart"? Quilters and others all over the world are making small quilted hearts to leave hither and thither in their local areas (see rules) just to brighten the day of the stranger who finds one. The hearts I've made are about 4.5"x 4.5" but everyone makes their own pattern.

Wishing you well!

angela said...

Little cute on fingers and hands are the worst for being annoying. And yes painful.
Let it heal up completely and then get back into it.
I’m knitting right now. My crochet blanket is getting very big and it’s too hot to work under so I’ll wait until winter arrives to
Continue on it

Linda said...

That cut is in a nasty spot. Hope it heals soon. I just finished and embroidery stitch along, and now just have to stitch it onto a project bag.

Onevikinggirl said...

Happy healing! I too have a craft induced injury. Currently knitting socks but with chafing on my left index finger so I too have to pace myself.

Karen said...

I have several knitting projects on the go,but have joint problems in my shoulder and elbow. I get painful cracks in my thumbs in winter too. Vasaline and gloves at night will help that.

Joy said...

Ouch. Those cuts are so very painful, aren't they?
Loving the way the cross stitch is coming on.

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...