Thursday, March 2, 2023

Your thoughts?

What is your favourite dishwashing liquid?

I am looking for a new favourite washing up liquid.  I was given a bottle of the Method Pink Grapefruit Dishwashing liquid before Christmas and had high hopes for it.

Although the scent was spot on, I wasn't overly impressed with how it worked; lack of bubbles.

I am currently using the PC brand of dishwashing liquid in the Lavender scent.  Again smells fine, though I prefer a fruity smell, but not finding it the best.

So I figured I'd ask you, which one you prefer/swear by?  We rarely use our dishwasher, only when there is a house full of folk.  As I said I prefer the fruity scents.  


Joy said...

Over here, we have so many different brands and I just tend to go for whatever is mid range. I find the cheap ones don't really do the job unless you use loads and rather defeats the purpose of buying cheaper really.
Sometimes I go for specials - before Christmas there's often some festive scents available.
Generally, I don't use much though, as my dishwasher does one load a day overnight and that is pretty much it!

Donna said...

I only use Dawn...Works the best with grease.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

For us it's Blue Dawn all the way. We also use it for grease spots on like a charm.

JiCaLu said...

We bought huge jugs of the costco brand, lol! just keep refilling it ever so often.

My Piece of Earth said...

I used Dawn, did not like it at all. After rinsing the dish cloth several times after doing dishes it left an awful smell on the cloth.
Now use Palmolive Ultra, happy with it.

coffeeontheporchwithme said...

I am not good with heavy scents, so the green coloured Palmolive or PC is great for me, or lemon scented is fine as well. - Jenn

Anne in the kitchen said...

I am not brand loyal and alternate between Dawn and Palmolive, buying them when they are loss leaders at the grocery store. Neither has an unpleasant aroma, they just smell "clean".

Jackie McGuinness said...

Costco's. New sink will have a soap dispenser so just fill it up from large size.

William Kendall said...

I use Sunlight.

Margie from Toronto said...

I use the PC brand - the one in the turquoise colour - no scent.
I also keep a bottle of blue dawn but use it more for cleaning and dumping down sinks to clear any grease.

Karen said...

I used Sunlight for years, then switched to Dawn Original. A few weeks ago I bought some Sunlight. The lovely lemon scent is gone and the glowing yellow color has put me right off, so no more Sunlight.

Practical Parsimony said...

Dawn original. I have trouble finding a dish soap that does not make myy hands itch. A newer Dawn is on Tommy uses. It made me itch, so he uses it.

Jackie said...

I use Palmolive. Seems to work for me.

God bless.

A trip to the doctor's office.........

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