Friday, March 3, 2023

One week on.....

and this is where I am with my cross stitch work.

I am thoroughly enjoying doing it, other than the number 36 square had to be all pulled out as I made a mistake 😟  This is a straight forward simple pattern, and as I have being doing cross stitch for nearly 40 years you'd think I would know better!!

Each square us complete above, other than the back stitch on the vines.

Everyone has different way's of starting a new project.  For me I fold the Aida fabric into quarter to get the centre line.  Then I stitch along both lines (orange thread) to get my starting point, like below.

I also stitch a T on the top of my fabric to indicate which is the top of my project, as quite often it is difficult at the start of the project to know which way is the top and bottom.  In this case, it was simple as the squares have numbers.

Still waiting patiently for my order from Bothy Threads (((SIGH)))


Joy said...

It's easily done. Just misplace one stitch and all the subsequent ones can be wrong until one notices that it doesn't match up with older stitches. At least it was only one square - could have been worse.

Donna said...

My Aunt always used a yellow highlighter pen to mark a dot on the right side.
Can't wait to see the finished canvas!
Happy Weekend!

Maggie said...

You've made great progress with your stitching, mistakes can't always be avoided no matter how long we have been stitching but at least you noticed before you went any further.
I tend to start a project at the top, depends on how the design is as to whether that's top left or top right.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Looks great! I love the wee little fox.

My Piece of Earth said...

I did that with my center point also. Putting mark for the top is a great idea. Love how your project is coming along, it is making me more and more to get my cross stitch supplies out of the drawer and start something.

Looking forward to seeing the finished project.

Jackie said...

I start my projects finding the center point as well. Makes it easy to work on the pattern.

Love seeing how far you have gotten on your project.

God bless.

Jeanie said...

I've never done much cross stitch. I think it would be very relaxing!

William Kendall said...

My mother would have understood this.

Linda said...

I just can’t do cross stitch. I do lots of embroidery though.

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...