Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Should have listened to you all!

Yep, did way too much on Monday.  I was pooped and coughing up a storm.  Figured I could get a lot done.  Baby steps right?

In answer to your questions about this cross stitch project.  Once I have finished stitching it, I will back it with interfacing and fabric.  It will then roll up and be tied with a ribbon.  The markers will also be cross stitched.  All should be washable, albeit by hand.

I actually think February has gone by quite fast for a change.  What do you think?

We had a storm arrive on Monday night, and with that my poor head was just thumping.  I got a tea subscription for my birthday last year and among the last package was this Headache Halo tea from David's tea. Not sure if it does much good but thought it was better than taking a pill.

I am making a couple more goals for myself, starting tomorrow, so will post about them, then.


Anne in the kitchen said...

Don't worry about goals until you are well!

Practical Parsimony said...

So, it is a game. I would definitely knock over that mug, especially if I had a headache. Thankfully, I just never get headaches. But something to drink sounds better than a pill.

Joy said...

Oh, dear. Yes, definitely smaller steps and be careful. I hope the tea helps. xx

angela said...

The cross stitch is looking fabulous.
I hope your headache is much better now

Donna said...

Oh no! I know it's hard sometimes to rest and take it easy but, seriously Gill, please don't over-do...not worth it.
Love the stitchery!

Boud said...

You did what I do, the minute I start feeling better I rush about catching up. Don't do that!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Proves that our communal nagging is something you need to pay attention to! Take care of you (and it's good to sit and stitch).

William Kendall said...

Tea is welcome under the circumstances.

Jackie said...

Hope you enjoyed your tea.

Feel better very soon and take it easy.

God bless.

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...