Monday, February 6, 2023

Past week catch up......

I seem to be getting into a routine on what things to post and when.  Friday's are my weekly favourite things posts.  Monday's seem to be "a what happened this past week," type of post.  I am a woman of habit, and I enjoy routines.  It's a good thing in my book.  

We had the coldest week of the 2022/23 Winter season so far this past week.  The heating seemed to be on constantly Thursday though Saturday.  I paid January's gas bill on Wednesday and saw quite a jump in the bill this time round, wasn't happy, but the older he gets the more hubby feels the cold, so turning down the heat isn't an option.  Me, I am still "hot-flash" Annie, so rarely feel the cold.

Took grandson for his swimming lesson on Friday.  That will now be a regular thing in the hopes we get somewhere with his swimming.  He is not confident in the water; hates putting his head under water.  Which would be fine but they have an inground pool in their back yard, so being able to swim is a priority.  It's a life skill everyone should have.  Won a new two piece swimsuit at this week's online auction, as I haven't bought one in years. 

Popped into Costco earlier in the week, to pick up a couple of things and nearly got mowed down in the store by a woman on one of those motorized wheelchairs.  Let me tell you the story..........

I was walking past a food sample location and the lady was giving out samples of Krispy Kreme donuts.  Now I haven't had those in years; I find them too sweet, but decided why not try a sample to see if I still felt the same.  I politely asked for a sample and stepped back from the area, only to hear "watch out behind you."

A lady on one of those motorized wheelchairs with the shopping cart on the front came zooming up behind me.  I stepped out of the way, and was just going to ask her if she would like me to get her a sample, with her being in a wheelchair.  When up she popped from the wheelchair, like a woman on a mission.

Now before I could put my filter in my mouth, out pops the word's, "oh you can walk then," from me 😳  She turns round after grabbing her donut and said, "I have just had a heart attack, that's why I need to use the wheelchair."

Both me and the woman giving out the samples just look at her.  Hopefully I remembered not to roll my eyes............oh, and yes the donuts are still too sweet for me.

Then this for my fellow Canadians, got my Zoomer magazine this week and there was a really interesting article about Chrystia Freeland.  I must say I actually like her.  Don't have much time for most politicians but do like her.  There was also a lot of interesting articles about vacations.  Oh and yes we are going to Charleston, South Carolina this year for our vacation, that's why I picked up that puzzle.


Donna said...

Oh my word! Donut and heart attack...oxymoron? Lolol
Thankful she didn't hit you!!

Angie said...

Charleston is our favorite destination. So much history, and it is just lovely. Enjoy. --Angie

jj said...

LMAO she just had a heart attack and she is going to get samples from costco? honestly! I cannot stand the one closest to me at home, I get the urge to fight in there people are so annoying.

Maggie said...

LOL, I would have said the same thing too!

William Kendall said...

My heat gets included in my rent, fortunately.

Jackie said...

Pretty sure I would have rolled my eyes and actually probably opened my mouth and put my foot in it.

Routine is good.

God bless.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I understand your grandie not wanting to put his face in the water - I suspect he's claustrophobic like I am. Anything that covers my face is cause for anxiety. Oddly enough I have trained my brain to accept the wearing of masks but if I allow myself to remember I'm wearing one it causes instant panic.
I think I finally convinced Resident Chef that we don't need to pay for a Costco membership that we've only used once in the past two years. If we had one close by it would be a different matter but the closest is an hour away. With the price of gas and his issues with sciatica it's just not doable anymore.

Granny Sue said...

Just had a heart attack and was after a Krispy Kreme donut?? Oh boy. Trying not to judge, but boy...

I think you will love Charleston. I have only been there once but it was so interesting. We were there to visit Fort Sumter. It was well worth visiting. Now, fingers crossed that the hurricanes stay away while you are there!

Lea said...

My favourite city, history, food, different islands to visit. It is an amazing city and area. 🇨🇦

Notes From The Frugal Trenches said...

Learning to swim takes so many different skills doesn't it - both emotional (confidence) as well as sensory (water, different types of noise) and body coordination. A couple of mine have really struggled, a couple had a hard time when little but then really took to it. It's so good they are prioritizing lessons as you are very right it's a life skill.

I also really Chrystia Freeland - she seems to have so much integrity which is definitely not common in politics!

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...