Saturday, February 25, 2023

All it cost out of pocket was $1.93

Like everyone I love a good deal  Puts me in a good mood for the rest of the day.  On Friday I popped to our local Zehrs grocery store.  I find grocery shopping a chore, as every week the prices just increase.  I had a deal where if I spent $75 I got back 7,500 points which is worth $7.50.  I thought I would take a look at the store and see if I could find some deals.  I struck the mother load of deals in my humble opinion!!

I ended up spending $81.93, but after I cashed in $80 worth of points, I paid $1.93 out of pocket.  There was a pile of meat reduced.  Got a chicken pot pie 50% off and some English muffins and hot dog buns also 50% off

I got 1,800 points when I spent a certain amount on margarine, so stocked up on Becel, which was on sale.
Eggs were on sale for $2.99 per dozen, best price I have seen in a while.
I like to have a couple of cans of tomato and mushroom soup in the pantry to add into recipes.  Had no rice, so bought a package which will last us a few months.
I ended up cashing in 80k in points, but received 10,100 points from shopping today.
Everything I bought was things we needed.
I ended up with 5 meals of sausages, 2 meals worth of ground beef.  One meal of chicken and two meals with the chicken pot pie.

Zehrs is an expensive store normally, but I did super good this shopping trip.  We'll be eating the chicken pie over the weekend, with salad and potato salad that needs using up.

Do you enjoy grocery shopping?


Practical Parsimony said...

I think I left a reply on the wrong post. Yes, I do like to shop. Your deals are amazing.

William Kendall said...

As I only buy enough to carry out on foot, I regularly shop two or three times a week. I tend to prefer the Independent for points.

Maggie said...

Looks like you got some bargains there. I wish we had these deals/ coupons in the UK I don't much like shopping, but it has to be done, I notice prices going up every week.

Donna said...

You did great!

Belinda said...

I really enjoy grocery shopping, but I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. You found a bunch of great bargains! And such a great price to boot with your points, I love it!

Jenn Jilks said...

Well done! I loathe grocery shopping. JB does almost all of it.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I hate grocery shopping - it's a thankless job and by the time I've handled the groceries however many times is required I'm beyond annoyed. One good thing that came out of covid was the introduction of 'click and collect' and I love it. Yes I have to pay $3 (plus we tip the person that brings the groceries to the car) for the priviledge but it's worth it not to have the aggravation. I know we miss out on mark downs and lose some money that way but to me it's worth it. Having said that, I'm not a 'shopper' in any type of store, unless it happens to be a bookstore. We do save points but wait until we can fly out west to see our family and then we use the points to buy their groceries while we're there.

Boud said...

That was certainly the motherlode! I don't like food shopping, or any shopping really, in person. I order from Misfits Market, great discounted organic produce and other items. It suits me to have my groceries arrive in a box on the step.

My Piece of Earth said...

You got some great bargains, the points came in handy for you that day.
I tend to buy much the same stuff each week which is boring, try to look for something which is new or different, so really don't mind grocery shopping.

My Piece of Earth said...

You got some great bargains, those points came in handy the day you shopped.

I tend to buy much of the same things each week, not very adventurous, try to look for different things to change up the menu but, seldom find anything in the small Metro store we go to. Don't mind grocery shopping, it's handling everything multiple times which is a pain.

Hawaii Planner said...

Wow - well done! I'm slowly converting points as well, to offset some of our grocery expenses. Things are so high right now! I've also been using rewards & the like to afford things that would otherwise not make the cut in our budget (treats, etc).

maureenlthompson said...

I dislike grocery shopping too. We do the online order and pick up where they load it all in the back of the vehicle. I do go inside for some things like bread as I only like really fresh bread and deli stuff. Our store doesn't do points. I wish it did.

angela said...

Nice work on the bargain. What a great deal.
No I don’t enjoy shopping. But it’s something you have to do. I try to avoid it and when I go
In I just go down the isles I know have the things I need and get out as fast as possible

Joy said...

That was an amazing shop - good for you. xx

Rose said...

I love reading about your shopping when you get so much for so little actual money.

I don't enjoy shopping at all right now...just weary all the time.

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