Saturday, February 11, 2023

Links, links and more links

Over on Magpie's blog she always posts the best links about various things.  So for this post, I thought I'd post some links to things you may or may not know about.

Asda in the UK has brought out a new thing called "All this, all in, under 20 pounds GBP", I don't have a pound sterling symbol on my keyboard!!  Here on this link is a list of ingredients used and a list of recipes.  Thought they were worth looking at, and maybe give you some ideas.  Love fish pie; need to buy some fish.

I LOVE fabric, it's one of those things I could buy and just hoard.  However that is both expensive and very impractical.  So I just admire a friend of mine's work.  Carla over at Carla's Creations work is gorgeous and her fabric choices are spot on.  So click on her Facebook link and drool over her creations.

Although not even the middle of February I am already thinking that Spring will be here soon.........maybe I am praying that Spring will be here soon.  With that I am thinking it will be time to get into the garden?  Meanwhile here is a link to some tips on preparing ahead of time for the gardening season.

This next one is something I am very guilty of doing and that is not exercising, being a couch potato.  I know I have packed on a few pounds over winter and I really need to think about getting rid of them.  This year just shaving my legs will not cut it; I mean that only drops my weight a couple of pounds 😉 This link tells us some ideas on how to stay active in cold weather.  There is something in there for everyone, including me!!

Lindt has brought out a limited edition Floral Bunny, it's stinking cute. You can see it here.  Love their chocolate.

I was reading here that Death In Paradise is getting a spin off series.  It's set in Devon.  One of the regular's will be Dylan Llewellyn from Derry Girls.

WagJag had a great deal on the Zoomer Magazine.  I was able to get a 2 year subscription for only $17, as I found a discount code as well to apply.  You can find the deal here.


Joy said...

There's some lovely recipes on the Asda site, thanks very much. xx

Donna said...

Thanks for the links Gill! Something fun to check out!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Fun links - thank you! And thank you for including me as well.

William Kendall said...

Thanks for sharing.

Notes From The Frugal Trenches said...

Looking forward to those recipes! Thanks for posting.

I remember Carla's beautiful creations from her blog days. She always has such exquisite fabric!

Rose said...

To get the £ symbol, press the alt key and type the numbers 0163. If it doesn't work, hit the numbers lock key. This is on my regular computer keyboard. There are a whole lot of things you can get by holding the alt key and typing in numbers.

The degree symbol (°)--hold the alt key down and type in the numbers 0176, for the copyright symbol (©) alt key and 0169...

You sure were sick for a while...sounded like you felt awful.

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...