Sunday, February 26, 2023

As promised a little peek at my next project

As my order from Bothy Threads won't be here for a few more weeks, I thought I'd start another cross stitch project.  I was going through some of my old cross stitch magazines and found a project I would like to try in this one.

It's a snakes and ladders set; except this one is vines and ladders.  Also as I can sew, I can make this up quite easily after I have done the cross stitch.
I looked up Debbie Harding whose pattern this is, and she has a website here.
It's going to be quite a large piece, my piece of Aida, is 20 inches square.  I bought Michaels own brand "Loops and Thread," Aida cloth and will say it's quite rough, but will work perfectly fine for this project.
This was taken after working on it on Friday.
The # 55 & 66 squares are totally finished, back stitch and all.  This is also my first time doing blackwork, which is the background stitching (orange and yellow stitching)
I keep all my threads I am using in that metal tin.
It's an old Crabtree and Evelyn tin.
This is the back of my work (later on Saturday).  It's not perfect but it's reasonably tidy.  I was always taught the back was as important as the front.  You won't see the back of it when finished as it will be covered in fabric.
I am hoping to have this project finished by mid April, as my goal is to sew a couple of squares per day.  Realistically though doing one a day is something I can achieve.


Angela said...

Will you stitch the little playing tiles too? They have cute motifs. That's quite a challenge, nearly twice the size of the collaborative pieces I'm currently working on with my friend Kirsten!

Joy said...

That's absolutely lovely - and very useful afterwards too. I look forward to seeing it as it grows. xx

Donna said...

It's going to be gorgeous! Can't wait to see the finished product...

Angie said...

I used to love to cross stitch, but I don't believe I've ever done that background stitch you mentioned. My eyes aren't what they used to be, so I have to use strong readers if I decide to tackle a project now. My adult daughter collects Monopoly games, so one year for Christmas I cross stitched her a Monopoly board and had it framed. It took me a long time, as I'm not so speedy.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Looks like a fun project. I can't say that I've ever seen cross stitched games before so I will enjoy watching your progress on this one.

My Piece of Earth said...

That looks like a great project, can't wait to see it finished.

I was always taught the same as you, the back should be as neat and tidy as the front.

Mine never are.

Looking at your projects makes me want to do some cross stitch. A different craft for the Summer when it is too hot to work on quilts.

Belinda said...

That is beautiful work! It’s going to be lovely when you are done with it. 😊

Maggie said...

That's going to be lovely, are you going to put it under glass so it can be used?

William Kendall said...

Have fun with it.

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...