Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Another project finished.

Back in December I mentioned in this post I had some cross stitch bookmarks to complete for the grandkids.  All the older ones are huge fans of Harry Potter.  So I picked up a couple of patterns on Etsy from here and made them all bookmarks.  Mine are backed with interfacing and felt, then sewn together.

These are for the three in Brampton:

I love them, and hope the grands will love them too.  Each one is slightly different, as I mixed up the patterns. It's their dad's birthday this month, so will pop them in the envelope with his card.

Now I did say back in the WIP post, that I wasn't going to buy any other supplies, but caved in when I discovered Bothy Threads.  They were having their semi or possibly annual sale back in January, and after checking prices here in Canada and the States, it was cheaper to buy things from them; plus I got free shipping!!

The only snag I hit was that after I ordered everything I got an email from them to say that the Royal Mail wasn't picking up parcels that had to be shipped out internationally.  It all had to do with the strikes they were having.  Anyhow I got another email at the end of January to say it had been shipped out.  So I will be on the lookout for my parcel.  I am super excited about what I ordered.

So another project done, now onto something else!!  Trying to get a few things made before gardening season starts in a couple of months.

Made a start on this on Monday, just the back stitch to do on this daffodil:

I was looking through some old magazines and found this free kit in one for some mini cards, that I hadn't completed.


angela said...

Love the Harry potter bookmarks.
My eyes are not good enough for cross stitch.
But yours are so adorable I really want to try again

Belinda said...

Oh, those are the cutest Harry Potter bookmarks!

Donna said...

My granddaughter Samantha loves anything Harry Potter...Those are so cute!
Your new project is going to be beautiful!

magiceye said...

The bookmarks are lovely!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Love the bookmarks! Might have to do some of those for our grandies.
AND - that link to the needlework shop should have come with a big warning label. Oh my. I fell in love with pretty much all of the designs...some are downright beautiful and others made me laugh. I might have to succumb to at least one - but which is going to be almost impossible to decide (waving goodbye as I head back down the rabbit hole.....)

Magpie's Mumblings said...

ps - just ordered their catalogue AND put my name on their email list. What have you done!!!!!!

kate steeper said...

i will let you into a secret , delays to Royal Mail International had nothing to do with strikes, their IT systems were hacked and someone demanded a very large ransom , supposedly the Russians but who knows these days it may have been a teenager in their bedroom , but they got it up and running somehow.

happyone said...

Thanks for visiting my blog.
The book marks turned out so very nice!!

Jenn Jilks said...

These are fun! Good luck with the mail.
I haven't done needlework in ages.

Maggie said...

Those bookmarks are great! I'm sure the kids will love them. I've only ever made one stitched bookmark and I found it very fiddly, I like my fabric in a frame to stitch on and didn't like stitching in hand.
Hope your Bothy Threads kit arrives soon, which one did you get?

William Kendall said...

Well done!

Rachel said...

Love the bookmarks! Well done!

Boud said...

I see Magpie is here, being tempted by thread talk, another cross stitcher. I do a lot of other forms of embroidery but I leave cross stitch to others. Those bookmarks are great! The grandchildren may request more.

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...