Sunday, July 6, 2008

FOF for July 6th

I popped out to pick a couple of things up and got a couple of things for free while I was there. You'll see I got another bar of chocolate, just so you know dh ate the other two bars, I am keeping this one for myself. All the mashed potatoes were expired, and as there were three different flavours with three different UPC codes on them I was able to get three lots of potatoes, which will be handy. Then of course the yogurts can't have enough of those.

That little lot would have cost me $19.25 if I had, had to buy it.

I spent $19.34, and had $19.25 in FOF and $3 in coupons....


Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

Hi Gill,thank you visiting my blog.Please come again soon.
We have a store near me that sells nothing but expired food.Most of it is dirt cheap. All of the meats have been frozen.I assume they froze them when they pulled them from the shelf. Walmarts pour all their juices ect. down the drain. To me this is terrible. Why don't they give it to the homeless or elderly.Products are not spoiled on the last date for use.I have always heard it is 5 days past the expiration date.I might be wrong.

Leanne said...

Oh Gill we have a weakness for that Lindt chocolate in this house too! When we indulge we have to hide our "share" from each other ;)! Hope you are feeling better.

Gill - That British Woman said...

The chocolate was so good.....and being the perfect wife that I am....LOL (I'm only kidding!!!) I gave half the bar to dh. Fingers crossed when I shop again at the end of the week, there is more for me to get!!

Kim said...

Ok just what store are you getting stuff free at? Is it because something reached it's expiration date? Please give details - I am in Canada as Ontario - what province are you in?

Gill - That British Woman said...

I answered Kim, via her blog.

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...