Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Gardening does pay off........

and here are the results of the hard work...

I picked a bunch of sweet peas for the house. The lettuce and peas are for a garden salad for tonight. I picked the first of the zucchini/courgette's today. I grow them specifically for one muffin recipe that I love. I will hopefully make these muffins in the next day or so, so will post it on the blog then. Meanwhile if you have zucchini laying around that need to be used. Grate them and put them in freezer bags and freeze, they freeze great. I freeze them in 2 cup quantities. I also have a good zucchini chocolate cake recipe, that even the kids will eat....shall have to make one of those as well.


Unknown said...

Ah, I'm jealous. Wish my yard wasn't 90% shade!

Gill - That British Woman said...

I am envious as I would love to have some shade, as we have none in our back yard......

Cathy said...

Hello Gill
Thanks for the tip on freezing zucchini. Does it defrost mushy or stay 'solid'

Love those sweet peas - my mum's favourite flower. I have to admit that even tho' theya re reputed to be easy to grow I've never had an luck as they all die off. Maybe one day lol
take care

Gill - That British Woman said...


the zucchini is mushy, and you will need to drain it

Leanne said...

Oh Gill..well done...delicious looking veg and what pretty sweet pea flowers!

flmom said...

Yummy! We love zucchini bread and fried zucchini. We lost all of ours to pickleworms (a notorious pest here), but I will try again this fall/winter.

Gill - That British Woman said...

flmom, I have never heard of pickleworm, must be something native to your area?

Thanks everyone for your comments.

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...