Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Guess I am going to be busy.

I placed an order at Book Close Outs and it arrived today (Monday 21st, I ordered them Thursday 17th).

I got:

ISBN: 9781416525905

and this:

ISBN: 9780007127313

and this:

ISBN: 9780060538002

and this:

ISBN: 9780060723866

and this one:

ISBN: 9780060817251

another one:

ISBN: 9780140123395

another one:

ISBN: 9780142000366

and yet another one:

ISBN: 9780312283780

this one:

ISBN: 9780345443120

also this one:

ISBN: 9780345465177

this one:

ISBN: 9780385722131

another one:

ISBN: 97800446530088

this one:

ISBN: 9780451202253

this one:

ISBN: 9780451215055

this one:

ISBN: 9780670858095

also this one:

ISBN: 9780743203630

this one:

ISBN: 9780743464468

another one:

ISBN: 9781565122222

and finally:

ISBN: 9781595540263

I also got four Sudoku books and the total for all these books is $77.87 USD. I found a $10 off coupon online by doing a Google search. The most expensive book was Gap Creek @ $5.49, the cheapest was Where the River Runs @ $1.49 If I had, had to buy these books I would have paid around $300 CDN for them. The service is great and I would totally recommend Book Close Outs

Please let me know if any of the hyperlinks are broken, as I don't have time to check each one. Thanks, Gill

P.S. I should add that these books will be read over the summer and fall, and I will keep some to take on vacation with us in September. After I have read them, I will probably be taking them to the retirement home for the residents to read.


Hadriana's Treasures said...

Crikey! Where do you find the time to do all that reading? Have you told "Yorkshire Pudding" http://beefgravy.blogspot.com/...that there is a club in his honour? ;-)
Best wishes. Hadriana

Ginnie said...

Well thats gonna keep you busy for a long while!!
Which one are you going to start on??

Gill - That British Woman said...

I made a start on the Yorkshire Pudding Club last night, but didn't get too many pages read. This will last me months and is cheaper than buying magazines and buying from a regular book store.

I know I could go to the library, but I am ticked at our closest library at the moment. Its a long story.....


Thanks for stopping by :0)

Sabrina said...

Wow- looks like you've got quite a line up of reading ahead of you. Thanks for the money saving tip. If I ever get off the computer and make time to read an actual book, I will definitely check this site out.

Lib said...

Wow, You are going to be busy!
Have fun!
Hope you are having a great wk.

Kim said...

Great score - I bought from them before. I make myself go tot he library though, as I read a lot and can easily spend a fortune. I will be checking some of these titles out at the library though.

Heather said...

I love Book Closeouts! I'm going to check them out tonight again, it's been a while since my last order. THANK YOU for posting the ISBNs for each of these! I think you could have linked right to them on bookcloseouts.com as well.

Happy Reading!

Diane at Crafty Passions said...

Wow you are going to be busy!!!
I love a good book hoard like this !!I go to a place called the Book Bin and trust me I walk out with 2-3 big bags full. Makes me smile , I will check that place out thanks for the heads up!

Gill - That British Woman said...

thanks for all your comments.


Christine said...

Wow, you're going to be busy reading all those great looking books. The quilt one appeals to me.

Linda said...

I have just read the quilt one and another by Sandra Dallas. I loved them. A tiny bit rough, but I think it is fairly easy to overlook those bits.

I love all the covers and I will definitely be checking them out. You got so many books for that price.

Black Eyed Susie said...

Wow, what a bargain!

CannedAm said...

I live by their warehouse. :) I go over and get a whole case of books for $30. LOVE IT. Those are some great books you've got there! You'll have to let us know if there are any great new tips in the frugal one (I already can't remember the name!)

Sabra said...

What's that saying? So many books, so little time! I make time to read - I do a lot of reading while I'm "working" - but still can't get thru my book piles! Now, I'm going to have to check out your book site and see what more I can add to it to bring home with me when we go on vacation next month. What a great idea to donate them!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, you are going to be quite busy reading all of those books. I hope you let us know how you like them.

Thank you for visiting my little cottage...



A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...