Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I feel like a dead fish, crossed with Rudolph.............

I can't breathe through my nose so I have to sit here with my mouth wide open like a dead fish.

Also my nose starts to run without warning. I hate a runny nose. I have the cutest little neighbour "R" and the last couple of times I have seen him, his nose is runny. Now what is it about young children and runny noses, and their tongues!!! Please try not to visulize what I have just told you.

So back to my runny nose, as I said it keeps running without warning, so of course now I am wandering around with a box of Kleenex, just in case. So due to that I am beginning to look a bit like Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer.

Can it get any better..........well I have to turn the tv up real loud so I can hear it, as my ears are blocked. The trouble is do my neighbours want to listen to Coronation Street and Casualty as well?

Otherwise I am in great shape...LOL

This is what Denise sent me, isn't she a love? I have to say that dog looks a whole lot better than me today!!!


Ginnie said...

I always get a runny nose when I have a cold etc... such a pain!! Yes I know the Rudolph look. Best wishes for a speedy recovery and thanks for the lovely comments on my blog.

Lib said...

Hi Gill,
A cross between a dead fish and Rudolph! Now thats bad!
Hope you have a speedy recovery!

Diane at Crafty Passions said...

Summer colds are the worst aren't they!
Wishing you a speedy recovery!

Kim said...

Hot toddy's are the answer! A few of those and you forget you even have a nose :)

Sending "get well vibes"

Sandi McBride said...

You poor baby...don't you have a netti pot? I can't live without mine, it helps me get rid of my cold case you don't know what it is, it looks rather like a teapot that you clean out your sinuses with, simply fill it with saline solution, tip your head down and to the side "plug" the spout (just hold it up against) your nostril, start pouring your "tea" and it comes out the other nostril slick as, I won't say it...slick as anything and you can breathe! At least for a while...I use mine every night before bed in the high summer because of all the pollen and my allergist is the one who turned me onto this years ago...Netti Pot...if you don't have one hon, you need to get one!!!
gentle hugs

Gill - That British Woman said...

thanks for all your get well wishes. I haven''t even got dressed yet, and its 2pm, don't think I'll bother today. Though I now have some sinus pills, so hopefully that will help.

Sandi, that Netti Pot thing sounds, icky, sorry.........that just isn't me.

DeniseinVA said...

Oh boy, colds can really do a number on you. Sandi's netti pot sounds interesting. Never heard of that before. I'm going to keep that in my 'health related' folder for whenever I have anyone who needs it and that hot toddy, I remember those well :))))

Feel better soon Gill and don't bother getting dressed, pamper yourself and better still get your family to pamper you. Glad you liked the graphic.

Eve said...

Did you hear that???? I tried to make it LOUD for you!!!

PS I'm glad you can't catch a cold through a computer!!!

Gill - That British Woman said...

sorry Eve, what did you say...LOL

the happy quilter said...

Thanks for the comments on my blog. Hope you are soon feeling better.

Anonymous said...

Poor Gil, nothing like a cold to make you miserable!!! Take lots of vitamin c, and rest! barb from Oceanwavesquilts.

Jess said...

Do hope you get well soon... will be praying for you.

Leslie: said...

Oh gosh! There's nothing worse than a cold...I hate it when people say it's "just" a cold - colds are MISERABLE! All you want to do is go to sleep but you can't sleep when you can't breathe!


Westerwitch/Headmistress said...

You certainly are going through it . . .

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...