Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The things I have to do for you guys in Canada.........

I have such a hard life you know, and I have had such a hard job to do these past two days, as my friend Paola (sorry if the spelling is incorrect) has as well.

I taste test things for a company, I have been doing it for donkey's years. You get paid for doing it, and they called me to taste test, are you ready for this what the they know how difficult that would be, and not do it one day but two days!!!! So we wandered in for the two days and tested I think 5 different types of vanilla ice cream both days.............I was shattered by having to eat all that ice cream. Why do they punish us like that, making us eat cool vanilla treats!!!!!

Then the kicker, they go and pay us for doing it...........what a life I have...LOL


softinthehead said...

OK - I want that job but as I am weight challenged anyway maybe it wouldn't be a good idea to be paid to eat- OMG! :)

Jess said...

And where can I sign up?! lol

The Southern Mom said...

Whoa! Eat ice cream and get paid for it? Those two things do not go together!

Lib said...

My, what a hard life you have there.Lol
Enjoy :o)

Peggy said...

thanks for stopping by my blog. I LOVE yours and want to eat ice cream with you. LOL

Cathy said...

Hello Gill

Must check out places like that over here. Wonder if they advertise in the yellow pages? lol

Nice to see you yesterday I'm feeling much better now

Take care

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

what a cool job ! Seriously , do you know if they have a company in the states ? I would love a job like that !
Oh and thanks for your comment on my blog dear.

Leanne said...

Sheesh you do have a hard working life! Can they pay you enough for that job? Ha!

Gill - That British Woman said...

For those of you who live in the States and Canada, check out the link on the post, as there are various locations to sign up at. In Australia, google taste testing and see what comes up, you never know.


Unknown said...

Waah! No location in Ottawa! Lucky you!

DeniseinVA said...

I'd like to sign up for that too. Ice-Cream is my all time favorite dessert. If someone paid me to eat it, I would be in seventh heaven.

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...