Friday, July 18, 2008

FOF for July 18th

I popped out to A & P first thing to get a couple of things, and this is what I got for free:

We used the last of the salad dressing last night so that was good. I was running low on milk, yogurt we eat every day. Thanks to a tip from Snickerzmom on Frugal Shopper, I got the Nescafe, which I really enjoy. The water will be handy next week when I am at work. The juice we go through a lot and the Pillsbury rolls are a treat. All in all that little lot would have cost me $32.43 to buy. On the far left of the photo you will see part of a can of Pledge Furniture Polish, I did a trade for a FPC for Pledge and got a double pack for free, so am now stocked up on Pledge for the year now. All in all I used $6.49 in coupons as well. So I spent $38.98 on groceries and had $38.92 in FOF and Coupons.


Lib said...

Wow, you did good! I want to shop with you>lol :o)
Have agreat day!

Kim said...

I wish I could find FOF at our store. I checked all the Renee's salad dressing and they are all marked like Nov 2009! Nothing expires at my store :(

Unknown said...

Good work! Do you have more than 1 store close to you? Have you ever met up with anyone else from FS?

Unknown said...

That's cool that you can FOF water! I had no idea that stuff had an expiry date. I imagine you could find pop quite often.

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...