Saturday, July 26, 2008

FOF for July 26th, and grocery tales..........

Went and did some grocery shopping this morning, and ended up only going to one store, A & P.

This is what I got FOF. That little lot would have cost me $30.10 if I had, had to pay for it. I am stocked up on milk now for a week or two.

As I was in the produce department I stumbled upon these raspberries that were reduced. I picked up the best and got 11 containers all at 99 cents each, so I guess I am making jam!!!

This is what I ended up buying from A & P, along with the raspberries.

If you look at the grocery deal section on the left hand side, you will see a link for a coupon for the burgers. These sre a good brand of burgers. I had coupons for the Skillet Sensations that made them only $1.83 each. I also had a FPC for the Pledge Furniture Polish, so I don't need anymore of that for the rest of the year.

My grocery bill came to $31.99. It initially came to $36.98, but I went back and got another $4.99 back, as she forgot to subtract my FPC for the Pledge. I always check my bill!!


Lib said...

Wow, What a great deal!
Happy shopping:o)

Jess said...

Saving lots of money once again!!!

Have a great weekend.

Vi said...

Oh yum great buy with the raspberries. Happy Jam making.:-)

Gill - That British Woman said...

Thanks for the comments, been another busy day again, roll on next week when I hope things quiet down.


Sandi McBride said...

You sound like me, lol...I go with coupons in hand and watch the register tick off till it drives my husband mad...he now prefers to stay at home, lol! I have an award for you at my place...check on Fridays post,

willow and moo said...

ooooh what a super bargain on thos raspberries! Enjoy the jam!!!

Gill - That British Woman said...

thanks for all the comments.


A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...