Monday, July 21, 2008

Saying a quick hello.........

Just thought I'd let you know I'm not going to be around much for the next few days as I am working Monday through Friday this week. Linda is going to Las Vegas for a few days the lucky duck. I think I am the only one who has never been to Las Vegas in the office. Mind you my one and only experience in the casino, see this post was not an overly great success, so if we were to go to Vegas, it would be to see the sights and possibly catch a show. Have any of you been to Vegas? I'd love to hear your thoughts?

So if I don't respond to your comments its not that I am ignoring you, I will just be busy. I have however done a post for each day ahead of time, on a couple of things you may find interesting.

Also I have decided to pop this photo in here, just to remind myself to stop whining about the heat and humidity as before you know it, it'll be this time again!!!

That photo was taken on February 6th of this year!!!


Lib said...

Thanks for the reminder in this Horrible himid weather.:o)
Have agreat wk.

~Niki~ said...

Beautiful home! And wow, snow! Have a great week Gill. stay cool!

Unknown said...

Good morning. Have a great week at work. I'm back to work this morning as well. I have no idea what my work week looks like. Hmmmm. Snow.. what on earth is that?

Jess said...

Hope you have a great week, and try not to work too hard.

Diane at Crafty Passions said...

Have a great week,I am laughing at the snowy picture, brrrrr, living in Canada also I fully know what your talking about when you show that picture, and I will bet that I live way more north than you do and we get 10 times that amount of snow.No complaints here about the heat no sireeeee !!

Gill - That British Woman said...

thanks for popping by.

Obe, I am not even in the snow belt!!!

DeniseinVA said...

Love your house Gill and the snow looks great, could jump into it. The humidity is getting to everyone down here. I just came back and have my feet up while typing this. My feet are talking to me, could do with a bucket of snow to stick them in - ha!

Sandi McBride said...

I came to say thanks for visiting and enjoyed your company! I thought when you said you'd be away that maybe a holiday was in hand, but no, I see you will be working...and I'd love some of that snow about hit 102 here today...egads!
Will you let me know when you're back?

CannedAm said...

That's funny. Last night I was cleaning up a video of that big snowstorm we had last winter to post on my blog. Great minds and all.

No advice on Las Vegas. I don't have the slightest desire to ever go there. I'd rather go visit the islands of Maine or something along that line. I'm less for glitz, more for nature I guess.

We've got little Vegas down the road. ;) That'll do.

Jilly's Space said...

What a beautiful home!!
Yes, I try not to complain either as we had a horrible winter here in northern NB.
How's your foot?

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

Thanks for stopping by Gill. Oh my I don't even want to think about winter.I hate it ! I am definitely not a snow person either.

Cathy said...

Hello Gill
Now when I showed that photo to Dh he just laughed and said thats why we don't visit his Aunt in Nova Scotia at Christmas time.
Plus we are usually down the beach at that time lol
Looks a bit cold that day
Take care

Ann Tamimi said...

That snow looks nice although I wouldn't even know what to do with snow anymore. I freeze when it gets in the low 70s.

Unknown said...

Your house looks lovely. I'm trying not to think about what's in store for us in another few months in Norway either and never, ever complain about the sun, when it shines. We don't get humidity here though which makes the heat much more bearable. Have never been to vegas either - yet.

Gill - That British Woman said...

thanks everyone for their comments, thanks for the compliments on our home, we love our home also.


Sunday Song

From 1977 - Thelma Houston; Don't You Leave Me This Way I remember dancing to this......... However I prefer this version and remember d...