Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Now you see it......

 Now you don't........

I had a couple of jobs to do on Boxing Day and one was to dismantle the tree.  Hubby wasn't working and I knew I would struggle to carry that tree downstairs, so I wanted that put away while he was home.  The rest of the decorations will be taken down through the rest of the week.

Another job was to strip the turkey and make stock.  We had our Christmas meal at our son's house.  I always bring the turkey carcass home with us, as they would just throw it out.
The little red man really works, it saves the pan from boiling over.

I plan on doing diddly squat now for the rest of the day!!

Thank you all for the Christmas wishes and I hope you all had a lovely Christmas.


Magpie's Mumblings said...

I wish I could take our tree down now as well, but Resident Chef likes it up until after Jan. 1st.
Must say I'm intrigued by the red 'pants' thingie!

Boud said...

My decorations, tiny, no tree, stay till Twelfth Night, then they go back in the box.

William Kendall said...

A lot of work!

Karen said...

I traditionally take the tree down boxing day too, but the last two years had to hold off. Last year we had a blizzard and Christmas meal had to be rescheduled. This year everyone went away so we aren't doing "Christmas" until the end of the week. Come the weekend that sucker is one of here. I saved an old tent bag to pack it in. They never want to go back into the box very well.

Belinda said...

That little red guy is so cute! We will leave our tree up until New Years and then take it down because my daughter just loves it being up. If it were up to me, I would have taken it down today too.

Cross Stitch update

 I am still doing the daily temperature cross stitch project.  Here is where we are at.  Completed up to and including May 14th. The weather...