Monday, December 4, 2023

The craft we did at our Christmas get together

I decided that we would be a simple craft and I started buying the things for it in the January sales.  I thought decorating our own miniature Christmas trees would be fun.

I picked up the trees from Bouclair, and got the mini lights from Amazon.

All the decorations were from Dollarama, Michaels, or were things I had on hand.

I decided to put everything in aluminum pie plates and everyone's glue guns were to be placed on the pie plates as well.
I think I probably spent less than $10 per person for this craft.

So fast forward now to the actual day, and we had fun.  This was how we set it all up:

Here are all the trees finished.  Everyone had a super time and what was interesting was how different each one of our trees were.
There were two sizes of trees.  Mine is the one in the middle.
Everyone was very creative, with the supplies.
I would think we probably spent a good hour doing this.
I have one tree leftover.  Will get Liam to decorate it and he can have that in his bedroom.  The rest of the supplies I will donate to a school or daycare.


Joy said...

WHat a really lovely idea for a craft session. I absolutely love them. xx

angela said...

What a fun activity. Well done

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Sometimes the simplest of things turn out to be the best - as the little trees will attest. I'll bet everyone was happy to take one home.

Jackie said...

What a lovely craft and to do it for around the $10.00 mark is awesome.

God bless.

Stella said...

You guys did a great job on the trees. What fun.

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