Friday, December 22, 2023

Guess I am taking up bowling............

Picked up these from the auction house paid just under $20:

You can buy the same exact pair at Amazon here for $52.31 + 13% taxes = $59.11.  So I saved nearly $40 and I don't have to wear sweaty shoes when I go bowling!!

Hubby and the kids did 5 pin bowling for years, and hubby has his own pair of bowling shoes.  I thought we might try 10 pin bowling; it'll give us something to do.  Just have to look up to see where the closest bowling alley is.a


Magpie's Mumblings said...

I never wanted to go bowling because not only was I terrible at it (watch out lanes on either side!) but I was grossed out by having to wear their shoes....yewwwww.

lorie said...

My dh was in a 10 pin bowling league for years. His greatest accomplishment is getting 3 perfect games in one season. The nearest 10 pin bowling is at the Bayfield Mall.

Boud said...

Go for it! People will expect you to be good, because the best bowlers have their own shoes! I liked the few times I tried it though I was pretty hopeless at letting go of the ball right.

Jackie said...

Love 5 pin bowling as that is what I grew up with and played in my teenage years. i find the 10 pin balls a bit too heavy for my wrists.

God bless.

Linda said...

I love to bowl, but of course, cannot anymore. I always wished I had my own shoes. I even took a course in bowling at East Tennessee State University since I had to have a PE course. I did not have to wear sweaty shoes, but they never fit me right. Good deal!

William Kendall said...

I bowled once as a kid, saw no interest in doing so again.

Cross Stitch update

 I am still doing the daily temperature cross stitch project.  Here is where we are at.  Completed up to and including May 14th. The weather...