Monday, January 23, 2023

Evan's Quilt (Photo heavy!!)

At the end of December I did a post about WIP's.  On my list of things to finish was Evan's first year quilt.  Four of my grands had their photo's taken every month of their first year with a fabric background.  I take each fabric and make a quilt with it.  The quilts are all around the same size, 56 inches wide by 72 inches long.  N, P & L's quilt were all quilted by the same lady, but she is no longer doing the quilting anymore, so I had to find someone else.

I stumbled upon the nicest lady ever; Kathleen from Allotallove.  Not only does she do the long arm quilting, she also sells quilt tops and quilt's from her Etsy Shop.

I used Fireside Backing fabric from Dinky Doo Fabrics. It's so warm and soft, perfect for the backing.

I requested a basic swirl for the quilting as it's a boy's quilt.
The cloud print you see below; I used that for the binding, as I ran out of the plain grey print.

I always put a label on the back, as a reminder of who made it and when.
Overall I am super pleased with how it all came together.  From Evan's mum's choice of fabrics, to how it was quilted and how it looks and feels when finished.

I have a couple of quilt tops just sitting there which I may decide to get Kathleen to quilt for me, as she was very reasonably priced and had a fast turn around.  


Angela said...

What a lovely quilt!

angela said...

What an awesome idea and such a beautiful quilt.
Oh yes. I’d definitely let her quilt the others

Belinda said...

What a beautiful quilt! Thank you for sharing the lovely photos of it.

T'Pol said...

How lovely. Such a thoughtful gift for your grandkids. Looks so cozy too.

Rachel said...

That quilt is beautiful. What fun treasures for your grandchildren.

Notes From The Frugal Trenches said...

I don't think I've ever seen a more beautiful children's quilt. Gill you are so talented! So very very talented.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

We have a grandie Evan too! He shares his birthday with his baby sister (Jan. 20th). I love this idea for a quilt - wish I'd thought of it. I have been saving a piece of each of the fabrics I've been using to make little dresses for Isla with the idea of one day making her a quilt so I guess that will amount to the same thing.

maureenlthompson said...

A perfect quilt for a boy. The backing looks so snuggly, I am sure he will love it.

Barbara Anne said...

What a delightful soon-to-be-beloved quilt and I love the story of the fabric that was in Evan's baby photos!
Your new quilter did a marvelous job with the machine quilting, too.

Jackie said...

Gil, that is absolutely beautiful!!! Love how all the colours go together so well.

God bless.

William Kendall said...

Wonderfully done!

Jeanie said...

This is lovely, Gill. I love the colors and how very nicely it's quilted. The story is just the best!

~Carla~ said...

Beautiful quilt!! I’m sure it’ll be well loved!

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