Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Seriously, I need to get a life...

I had to buy some eggs the other day and they were on sale at Shopper's Drug Mart.  Went into the store to where the eggs are and picked up a box.  I always open the box to make sure that none are broken or cracked, do you?

When I opened the box, there were brown eggs in the box.  Thought this was a mistake so I opened a couple more boxes.  Again all brown eggs.

There was an employee nearby stocking the dairy section, so asked him why there were brown eggs in the white egg box and were these on sale as well?

Turned out that someone at the factory had mixed up the cartons and put the brown eggs in the white egg boxes.  Yes they were on sale for $3.29 CDN per dozen, as they scan the bar code on the box; brown eggs are normally $5 + per dozen.

I was so excited about this that I did two transactions and bought 4 dozen eggs, with a mid February expiry date!!!  There was a limit of 2 dozen eggs per transaction, after that it went up to full price; so that is why I did the two transactions.

So who gets excited about brown eggs over white eggs............NOBODY but me it would seem 😁  Told you I need to get a life!!!

Oh and the reason I like the brown eggs over the white eggs are the yolks.  I made scrambled eggs the other day with white eggs and you would have thought I had made them just with egg whites, as the yolks were so pale.  The brown eggs yolks tend to be a bit darker.


Angela said...

Yes I always check for breakages too. If I find one, I move the box to the side and leave its lid open. But unlike your supermarkets, there is no premium price for brown eggs. Some supermarkets sell eggs from Very Fancy "Old cotswold legbar" hens, which have pastel blue shells, and we do pay a little more for free range eggs, rather than barn reared. But I can see why you bought 4dozen! bargain!
I always have eggs in stock, and on New Year's Day my brother arrived at midday to borrow a couple - my SIL was planning a fancy dessert for visitors and realised she had no eggs and the shops were shut!
Happy New Year

Joy said...

Pretty much all our eggs here are brown, unless they are the 'speciality' ones like Burford Blues. Is there much difference in nutrition?

Yes, I always check the eggs before putting them in the trolley. xx

T'Pol said...

I like to check the boxes for cracked eggs too. Whenever I forget to do it, there is always at least one cracked egg. I like the brown eggs too. I always thought they taste better although, apparently there is no difference. Not a big egg eater anyway.

Notes From The Frugal Trenches said...

Agree, brown eggs are much nicer! What a find!!!

And yes, I always check the eggs aren't cracked too. I'm always amazed when people just pick them up and walk to the till!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Sometimes it's the small things, isn't it. And yes, I do check the eggs when I'm picking them out myself, however pretty much since covid began we've been doing curbside pick up for our groceries but it appears whoever's doing the actual shop must check them because we've had no problems. I usually do pick some up when I happen to be in Shopper's though because generally they're cheaper.

Jenn Jilks said...

I don't buy eggs much. Hubby cannot have them. I sure miss them, though!
(ツ) from Jenn Jilks , ON, Canada!

Jackie McGuinness said...

At that price I would definitely have bought them! I like deep yellow/orange yolks like I get in the UK or Mexico.

Anne in the kitchen said...

I prefer brown eggs also. I would have scooped them up!

My Piece of Earth said...

I check them to make sure none have any visible cracks. Not many brown eggs in the stores in this area. My children would never eat brown eggs, kids adults now and still

I get excited about......BUTTER.

Just before Christmas the "M" grocery store had butter on sale, in the past there was a limit of 4 for each transaction. We made several transactions, not all on the same day, I now have 16 pounds of butter in the freezer. I double wrap and then wrap again. No problems experienced.

Currently using a pound I purchased the previous Christmas sale.

Dee said...

I'd be doing a little happy dance too. You scored a great buy.

Jenn Jilks said...

OK, funny story. I opened a can of soup today, and there appeared to be far fewer noodles and meat in it! I thought of you!

angela said...

I love my brown eggs.
Between having my own chickens and having a chicken farmer who drives past our place many times a day. I hardly ever get white eggs The chicken farmer will often leave me a carton of his eggs on my front table.

Chickens who have access to grass will produce golden orange yolks.

Maggie said...

Not sure I've ever seen white eggs in our supermarkets, varying shades of brown, but not white Yes, I do check to see if any are broken, usually the cashier will have a quick look when you get to the till too.
Looks like you pay way more for eggs than we do here in the UK, Aldi free range large eggs are £2.25 per dozen.

Jackie said...

I always check the eggs before purchasing, so you are not the only one. Here in Saskatchewan the white eggs for the last few years have almost orange yolks, which is lovely.

God bless.

Rose said...

Yes, always check the eggs...I wonder if there are women that don't? I did read back over the comments to see if everyone else did. I get excited about things like this, too. I often tell Roger I lead such an exciting life, but right at this moment I cannot remember one single example.

Janice said...

Sounds like we all check the eggs to see if any are cracked!! I got the same deal as you today at Shoppers, they were all white though, I also got the butter for $3.99. I haven't had those deals at shoppers for a long time, hope they are going to be a regular thing again. My next door neighbour works with someone who has an acreage and lots of chickens. She quite often brings me a dozen and they are quite a range of colours from dark brown lightening up to a creamy white (none pure white like in the supermarket) and olive green and pale blue My GD-who is 31 years old- has never seen eggs in any colours other than white and brown, so she was quite excited when I gave her half a dozen of all the other colours. I had to convince her that they were chicken eggs,lol!!

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...