Sunday, January 15, 2023

Fish Pie

I am in the process of cleaning out my freezer.  Had this fish, there were five fillets in the bag.

I placed them in a pan and covered them in milk, added salt and pepper, and some grated nutmeg.  Simmered them for around 10 to 15 minutes.  I removed the milk and made a white sauce with the milk.  I added a couple tablespoons of dried parsley and some frozen peas in the sauce.  Then flaked the fish and added that to it.

I had enough mixture for a casserole for our supper, and two small portions for hubby's lunch.
Covered each dish with mashed potatoes.  Popped it into the oven at 350oF for 45 minutes.
I have a mini crockpot that hubby uses for work.  We have had it a few years and is worth it's weight in gold!!  Hubby plugs it in when he gets into work and his lunch is all ready at lunch time.

I forgot to take a photo of the cooked fish pie, but it was really good.


Angela said...

We love fish pie. Sometimes I vary the topping, adding in some carrots or celeriac to the mash.

SAM said...

I'm not much of a fish person but this looks hearty and homey. I have a friend who's husband plugs his mini crockpot in his truck and gets a warm lunch even though most of his work is outdoors.

Jenn Jilks said...

What a great idea to cook them all and make several dishes. Well done.

Joy said...

Fish is so good for you, isn't it?
I love my mini slow cooker too. It's surprising how much it does if I fill it too. No need for a big one nowadays. A very useful gadget.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

I must admit I've never had fish pie, but what a great idea! I often think we should have a mini slow cooker but I would use it to simmer spices to make the place smell nice. Resident Chef uses the big slow cooker regularly and I know if I did the cooking I'd use it a lot more.

Karen said...

I love fish but just can't wrap my head around fish pie. I've seen various versions, but it's just not happening. My guy gave a resounding NO too.

Jackie said...

One of these days I am going to try making a fish pie. It will be a lovely change from pan fried, and baked fillets. Just got to convince Harvey that it would be tasty.

God bless.

angela said...

They sound very delish.
What a great way to use up what you have.

Maggie said...

Sounds lovely, I do like fish pie but don't bother making it for myself, hubby doesn't like it

Sunday Song

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