Friday, January 27, 2023

Favourite things #4

 If you have been a follower of my blog for a while, or live in Canada, this won't be an unusual thing.

One of the way's we buy milk here in Canada is in bags.  You get 3 bags of milk which total 4 litres.  This particular bag was $5.69 at Walmart.  Which is the average price for this type of milk.  I bought it on January 10th and it has an expiry date of January 27th.  (I compose posts ahead of time.)

This is what the bags look like and those three bags last around 7 days in this household
I just bought this milk jug; I obviously bought it with the grands in mind.  You pop the bag in and snip the corner of the bag.
So now onto my favourite thing.  I bought this milk bag holder from Amazon.  It wasn't badly priced at $11.99.
I have had it a couple of months now and love it.
It holds the three bags of milk and it stops the bags slipping around the fridge and is much neater.
Here is where I keep it in my fridge.  I have no idea how I managed without it.
We have a Kitchen Aid fridge/freezer.  I wouldn't recommend it, you are paying for the name.  It is just over 4 years old and I think it was around a year ago we had to replace the container that holds the ice.  It had rusted!!  They did it under warranty, but not without a fuss!!  It has a water dispenser and ice maker; both are must haves for us as we use them all the time.  The water is also filtered.  I change the filter twice a year at a cost of around $60 each time.
It holds a lot and the two separate drawers are handy.
This is the freezer section and holds what we need.  I finally got rid of my chest freezer last year as all I was storing in it was some flour and a couple loaves of bread.  I was using this freezer all the time.

We drink/use 1% milk.  Do you drink milk?  Do you buy it in a plastic jug, or bags, or bottles.......can you buy glass bottles of milk?  We can at specialty stores.


jabblog said...

Milk in a bag is a strange concert for me, but it's no different to wine in a box, I suppose. Your fridge is very neatly organised. It puts mine to shame!

Hard up Hester said...

I struggle to get hubby to buy enough milk, he always buys barely enough then we run out and one of us has to walk to the local shop to get more.

He always keeps lots of beer in the fridge as that's what he drinks. I think we need another fridge that he can fill with beer and I can keep more milk in the other fridge..

Joy said...

That's a very smart fridge/freezer. What a shame it's not that reliable in terms of quality. How does it work - do you have to pour the link into a bottle or something when you open the bag?

I've never come across milk in bags - I get it in plastic bottles or in cartons. That milk bag holder is a treasure - what a good idea.

Angela said...

For a short while, I was able to buy milk in bags here in the UK, but that was 30 years ago! Your fridge freezer is lovely, but it seems huge. No way could we accommodate that! We keep a water filter jug by the kettle, and it costs us about £6 a year for filters.

Practical Parsimony said...

So, how do you pour it from the flimsy bag? Those bags look like I would continually make a mess. And, how do children use them? I buy half gallon wax boxes because a2milk only comes in half gallons. Tommy buys the plastic, gallon jug. I have never seen milk in glass bottles. But, I do own some antique, pint, glass milk bottles.
Your refrigerator is beautiful! I wish we had a new refrigerator, but this one won't die. I will keep in mind your problems if this one will die.

kate steeper said...

they did try bagged milk a few years ago in the UK it wasnt popular and died a death havent seen it for years .

Maggie said...

That's one big fridge, I'd never be able to fill it, lol. We don't have bags of milk. Milkmen still deliver glass bottles here but not available so much in shops anymore. 2 pints does us for over a week as we are not milk drinkers and as neither of us eat breakfast it's not used on cereal either.

Donna said...

I bake with milk (full fat) and buttermilk all the time. Eventually, our baby greatgran Sloane, will be drinking it so I'll always be buying some.
I like your refrigerator, but the new ones just aren't built to last.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

We buy our milk in bags as well and one of those holders would certainly be handy. We don't drink milk but Resident Chef makes kefir and also uses it in bread. I have lactose intolerance issues so the only way I can have milk is when it's processed into kefir. I do sneak cheese into my diet but I have to be careful. He also makes cheese with the kefir - tastes just like the expensive Bourin cheese from the grocery store.

Jeanie said...

I never drink milk and only buy it when I need to use it in a recipe!

William Kendall said...

I buy containers, but grew up with it bagged, and the bags kept in a container like that.

Belinda said...

Very interesting way to buy milk. The holder from Amazon would be perfect to keep,the, tidy. Your refrigerator is beautiful! I would love one like that all side by side.

Jenn Jilks said...

JB cannot have milk, so we only buy it when our grandies are here!

T'Pol said...

When I was a kid, we used to buy the the milk in bags where we used to live. Nowadays, we can get it in cartons or bottles.

I use milk in my coffee.

Karen said...

I'm holding on to my faithful old black refrigerator with my fingernails. We are lucky to have a repair man in the neighbourhood who hoards old appliances for their salvagable parts. A couple of years ago we bought a fancy shmancy Fridgdaire stove with a pizza oven and a built in computer. It lasted about two weeks when we had a power surge from a thunderstorm. It went back and we bought a decent stove for $50 from our neighbourhood repair man. My grandsons EXPENSIVE stove had the glass door front smashed in the move. It was hundreds of dollars from the company to replace. $25 from the neighbour guy!

Karen said...

I drink milk in my tea and my partner drinks milk in the mug after he has his tea, haha. A four liter bag lasts us about a week too.

My Piece of Earth said...

When my children were young I purchased the bagged milk, used one of the jugs and also had one of the storage containers for the fridge. Now, we buy a carton of 2% milk.
Growing up on a farm we had milk straight from the cow, hated every mouthful I drank, all but a small amount to moisten my cereal and some in my tea passes my lips now.

Love your fridge, the one in this house is as old as the hills maybe even older.

JiCaLu said...

Oh my god ! My mom just bought a 2nd milk bag holder, we keep them both in our upright freeze. We had to get a new fridge and the one she did buy just does not have enough freezer space, so we got an upright freeze off Kijiji. We buy 2% :)

Janice said...

I remember the bags of milk but they died a quick death in the 80's here in Alberta. We buy the plastic gallon jug of milk. There are still glass bottles in the health food stores, but they are expensive.

angela said...

I don’t have the room for a large fridge freezer. So I’ve got a fridge with the freezer part in the bottom in the kitchen and a large upright freezer in my laundry room. Which isn’t big either so it’s a bit of a tight squeeze. But I needed it. As we process our own beef
I buy my milk, skinny, in UHT packs. That way I can store them outside of the fridge until I open it.
I always buy in bulk from aldi and that way I never run out

Notes From The Frugal Trenches said...

I don't think I have ever see such a lovely fridge/freezer! So much practical storage. Sorry it's been a problem in other ways.

I love how clean your fridge is!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm looking for a new fridge and am drooling after yours. But where to you keep the fresh veg? We always have a salad and two or so side veggies plus a bit of meat or fish for lunch and dinner. There never seems enough room for the produce around here. We don't shop for food but twice a week.

Jackie McGuinness said...

I do like the look of the fridge. We had to replace our 25 yo one last January, when it died! It came with the condo and we got 10 years out of it, so no complaints. But we had to buy one in a hurry and it HAD to fit the spot. It has the freezer on the top, which I am glad, as the old one was on the bottom but didn't have the shelves like yours so it was a pain. I still have my upright freezer in the pantry.

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...