Monday, January 30, 2023

Bits and bobs...........

Just having a catch up.  Been a busy weekend with one thing and another.  Snowed on Sunday, so we had a lazy snow day.  Hubby was watching football games from the UK.  He wanted to see the Wrexham game.  We watched the series on Netflix, Welcome to Wrexham, which was interesting.

On Saturday I went to Shopper's Drug Mart to pick up some things that were on sale.  You also got either 20 or 30k in points when you spent over $60.  I was lucky and got the 30k.  I stocked up on toilet paper; had coupons to make them cheaper.  Stocked up on coffee and picked up some "fancier" shampoo that was on clearance, along with the usual eggs.

This is what I spent and how many points I ended up with.

I spent $65.32, and got over 36k in points which is worth $36.  I had already cashed in $60 worth of points the day before, so my balance is down slightly at 313,114 points.  When I was in SDM, I actually stopped in my tracks as I was wandering round as I was shocked at the price increases in a lot of items.  I truly can't believe how much everything has gone up.

Got a couple of book reviews published also on Saturday, you can read them, here and here.

Someone was saying I didn't have much produce in my fridge.  I had a look (Sunday morning) and I have 3 romaine lettuce hearts, 3 sweet peppers, cabbage, carrots, rutabaga, courgette/zucchini, red onions, yellow onions and a cauliflower.  I maybe didn't have much in the photos, here.  I also have mandarins and bananas in the fruit bowl and potatoes in the cupboard.

I am going to make cabbage roll casserole, cauliflower with cheese sauce and garlic bread; shepherds pie, chicken and veggie stir fry this week, so that will use up a lot of veggies.  I may also make a lentil and sweet pepper soup for my lunch this week.  I got the sweet peppers on sale for $1.89 for the 3 which was a super deal.

I am now taking oldest grandson for swimming lessons every Friday, so I will be popping into another store I don't normally drive to, to pick up their deals as well.

I made Cabbage Casserole for supper on Sunday.  It will last us a couple of suppers.  I first posted this recipe here back in August 2008. It takes a while to bake in the oven, so it was good to cook it on a Sunday when the hydro is cheaper.  I love eating the crispy edges!!
It was yummy, been a while since I had made it, so made a lovely change.  Plus there is enough for another meal.

This weekend seems to have flown by.  Going to spend Sunday night doing a bit more cross stitch.  Still have one more book mark to complete after this one.

I hope you all had a lovely weekend? 


Joy said...

That casserole looks absolutely delicious and the cross stitch is delightful. xx

angela said...

I love bargain hunting and as prices continue to skyrocket I love it even more.

Donna said...

Everything is getting higher daily, here! Hate to shop anymore.
Sunday was laid back here as well...finally got a good rest.
But now it's Monday and off we

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Thank you for the reminder about the HP bookmark designs - I made one for our oldest grandie a couple of years ago and I'm sure he's probably lost it by now so perhaps I'll make him another one.
Good shopping at SDM...we didn't need anything so steered clear. Groceries are on the agenda for today so will be making our online order and no doubt will easily cross the $250 threshold in order to get 25,000 points. We basically do one large shop each month and then fill in with things like fruit as we need more.

Belinda said...

I like the crispy edges too. I’m shocked every time I go into the grocery stores to see how the prices have risen. I hope it will end soon.

T'Pol said...

Good job on the points. Nowadays, every penny counts. Love the bookmark.

Anne in the kitchen said...

I love the taste of cabbage rolls but hate making them. I am definitely going to try this version.

Jeanie said...

Your Xstitch is charming. Not fond of cabbage at all but well done on the points!

Jackie said...

It is down heartening to see how much prices go up between shopping trips.

Good for you getting all those points.

God bless.

Jenn Jilks said...

When hubby had his cancer surgery someone gave me some of that cabbage roll casserole. Today was meatloaf, and I'll have enough for several meals.

William Kendall said...

At the very least I go into Shoppers daily for my newspaper.

Notes From The Frugal Trenches said...

We really are twins!!! And the funny thing is cabbage casserole isn't something I regularly make! So so funny!

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...