Thursday, January 26, 2023

When Fannie Farmer and KitchenAid come out to play...

 it means serious business is afoot!!

I got them out last week to make some peanut butter cookies.  I got this cookbook over 30 years ago and honestly the only recipe I use frequently; and now it's rarely, is for the peanut butter cookie recipe.
As you can see by these pages it has been used a lot over the years! I posted the recipe for the first time on this blog in 2008 here.
I had bought some peanut butter to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for one of the grandkids.
I only eat peanut butter if it is mixed in with something else.  Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches is not something we were brought up with.
I will say that the cookies were good and were all gone within a couple of days.....which is why I don't bake often as we eat it all way too fast😊

Have you got or have heard of the Fannie Farmer Cookbook?  Do you like peanut butter and jelly/jam sandwiches?

(oh and for the Canadian's out there, I have a friend who is a buyer for one of the big grocery chains and she was saying that ALL the big grocery/supermarket chains are putting up their prices in February 😡)


Belinda said...

Back when I was in elementary school, they made us peanut butter and butter sandwiches, which my sister and I still eat. And I will eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich every now and then. They are not my first choice. The cookies look delicious. 😊

Angela said...

I have never heard of Fannie Farmer. It looks like a very useful basic cookbook

Joy said...

I haven't heard of that lady but the great St. Delia Smith has a lovely peanut butter cookie recipe in one of her books that my Mum often made. I don't - far too tempting and dangerous. A shame though, because I love baking.

Donna said...

The cookies look good!
Prices are leaping higher and higher weekly here...

Notes From The Frugal Trenches said...

We have the exact same problem here. And I also made cookies this week though that post is in draft as I haven't had time to proof read.

That's terrible about another price increase! :( We already started at higher costs than the UK and US by far. I heard an interview with one of the big wigs in grocery and he was defending the prices and saying they are reasonable and fair. I was shocked at how anyone could try to put that message out when you look at what CEO's and share holders are earning and how they are benefiting.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

PB & J sandwiches aren't a like for me, but I do like peanut butter, lettuce & mayo sandwiches. I grew up eating those. I eat a spoonful of PB every morning at breakfast - supposed to be good for lowering cholesterol. I'm not familiar with that cookbook, but I learned to cook from the old Betty Crocker 'red' cookbook.
As for food prices going up - our son is a chef and he's warned us that prices are going to jump, along with shortages. His restaurant can no longer afford to serve salads because the price for romaine has more than tripled already.

Practical Parsimony said...

I do love a pbj sandwich! Grape is probably my favorite. We ate them often when we were children. If your prices are going up, ours will, too.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I did not grow up eating PB&J. I never had one until I was in my 20s and still don't understand the appeal. So apparently it's just you and me. :-)
Of course I've heard of the Fannie Farmer cookbook. It's a classic.
As for prices. It's getting bad out there. We spent over $300 at the grocery store and didn't get meat. Just essentials. Scary stuff.

Jeanie said...

I love peanut butter cookies or peanut butter in things but I'm not a huge fan of it as a sandwich.

Jackie said...

We very rarely have peanut butter sandwiches, like you I wasn't brought up eating them. I, like you have to have it mixed with something else, though every once in awhile I will eat peanut butter on toast.

Enjoy your cookies.

God bless.

Maggie said...

Peanut butter isn't something I buy, I think it would be too sickly on a sandwich for me. I did make some cookies for my grandchildren this week using some Reese's chocolate chips and they were very nice, although I don't like the Reese's chocolates.

Kathy said...

I love peanut butter sandwiches and cookies. I learned to like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in college when the lunches were inedible near term end. Had an inclusive food plan, the only option available, and always wondered why the kitchen didn't manage their funds better at end of term as the food was fairly awful.

William Kendall said...

Peanut butter and jam is a staple for me.

Margie from Toronto said...

Funny - just bought some smooth PB in order to make cookies this weekend! I prefer "crunchy" for toast - I prefer it on it's own but occasionally with jam or a sliced banana.

I have heard of Fanny Farmer but don't have that cookbook - I do have a few of "Delia's" cookbooks so much check and see if she has a recipe for them.

Jackie McGuinness said...

Don't eat peanut butter either, wasn't brought up with it.
I do make peanut butter bars for John.
Quelle surprise - prices going up!

Marjorie said...

Fannie Farmer was my go to cookbook for years. We got it as a wedding gift 37 years ago. I also have her baking book and her kids one.

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...