Monday, January 15, 2024

You're having a party?

 Then why wasn't I invited 😏 it's on our property?  Bit cheeky if you ask me!

They are super hard to see in this photo, but there were a total of 16 mourning doves hanging around the pergola and fence on Saturday morning.

It wasn't too cold, but they were all fluffed up.
They also like sitting on top of the pergola.

Wonder what the occasion was?


Linda said...

Do you have a lot of bird poop after these parties. I love to see mourning doves, but I have never seen more than two at my house or Tommy's house.

Anne in the kitchen said...

Rude of them to not include you!
We have doves who live year round beneath our deck, and every year raise a new family there. I think we are being very kind by charging them no rent.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Now the temperature has dipped so dramatically here I know the mourning doves will be perching along our windowsills to try to get warm. They like to peek in my sewing room window to keep an eye on what's going on inside.

Jackie said...

There are a couple that stay in the large evergreen next door. Each day they politely come and eat a bit from the birdfeeder and then leave until the next day.

God bless.

No happy medium...........

 Here is an updated photo of May in my temperature cross stitch. Yesterday was the first day of red appearing.  We had a high of 27 oC.  How...