Sunday, January 21, 2024

Bathroom cleaning tips..

I clean our bathroom on a Monday and a Friday.  Monday is a deeper clean than a Friday and if needed I will wipe round the other days.

Now rather than do a deep clean once a month or whatever, I try and do one big thing per week.  For instance this week I cleaned the drains/plug holes, in the bath, shower and sink.  I use a mixture of baking soda/bicarb soda, white vinegar and boiling water:

Pour on some baking soda........
Top it with white vinegar.
Pour boiling water on top of that.  It all bubbles up and cleans out the drains.
A neat tip I stumbled upon, is after you clean your toilet.  Place the brush between the the toilet and seat, like in the photo to dry off before putting it back in the holder.  That way your holder is not full of toilet water.

Do you have any neat tips for cleaning your bathroom?


angela said...

I’m like you health issues means I can’t do big cleans everyday
So now I either one room, or for the larger rooms like the living areas I’ll do one job a day.
Cobwebs one day dusting later and then vacuuming. I don’t do a move the furniture vacuum as my back won’t allow me too so every two weeks the cleaner comes and she does a fantasy clean of the whole house.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Good tip about the toilet brush! We have a glass container by the side of the toilet that I keep filled with a mixture of Mr. Clean and water and the toilet brush goes in there.

Linda said...

When I was so busy for years going to school and getting degrees, I had a ploy. One day I would clean the commode, another day the sink and mirror, the other day the tub, another day the floor and maybe wash rugs. This was each week. Maybe once a month I would clean the dust from doors, windows and ceiling. It worked to keep the bathroom almost spotless. It worked for me.

Jackie said...

Ohhh, must try that toilet brush tip.

God bless.

Karen said...

I have an off white acrylic shower stall. The base is badly stained grey. I sure wish there was a magic potion to get rid of that.


Tuesday was a mixed bag type of day. Had the appliance repair guy come again to install another circuit board in the fridge.  When hubby got...