Sunday, January 14, 2024

10 minutes

The other day I went downstairs to get the laundry out of the dryer and discovered it still had 10 minutes to go, so I thought, lets see what I can achieve in ten minutes!!

  1. Have a pee.......then while in the downstairs bathroom, gave it a quick wipe round.  It's never dirty per se, but it gets dusty for some reason.
  2. As I was going shopping after the laundry, I thought I'd check to see what coupons I had and what had expired.  I don't have many, so it didn't take long to sort out, all expired ones went into the recycling.  I did however find a $3 off coupon on cheese and used that while a win there.
  3. Checked a drawer where I put spare coupons and gave that a good clean out and threw out an old pair of sunglasses; don't know why I had hung onto them.  Also found some medication that has expired and needs to be taken back to the pharmacy for safe disposal; which reminds me, must check out another cupboard to see if we have anymore expired meds to take back.
By the time I had done that, the dryer buzzer had gone off, and the laundry was to fold.

It may not seem like a lot, but those jobs were good jobs jobbed.  I need to make myself do more of these short ten minute clean ups!!

Do you do that sort of thing?


Joy said...

What's something I have recently realised too - I get loads done in those brief times while waiting for something to finish. Even boiling a kettles means I can unload the dishwasher (for example). And after using the loo or bathroom, a quick spray and wipe down is done in a couple of minutes and ticked off the daily list. Spontaneous housework is great! xx

Linda said...

I do that kind of thing if Tommy says he will be ten minutes or whatever. When he goes into a store to shop or get a refund, I have a list of calls to make and make some progress there. You are right. So many things need to be done and take little time.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

It's always amazing how much can get accomplished in a short window of time, particularly when we're waiting for something else to happen.

My Piece of Earth said...

A lot of small tasks can be done in a short period of time, so I have been doing that for a long time.

Makes all those little jobs done in no time.

Karen said...

I'm getting old as my knees keep reminding me, so I bunch up chores on different levels of the house.

Jackie said...

Monday's are full of while waiting for one thing to finish I manage to get in another. Lately though with my aches and pains due to weather changes I seem to only be able to do things for 15 mins before I need to rest, or get up and walk if I have been sitting working on a project.

God bless.

Anonymous said...

Yes I do - in the morning, while the kettle boils and the tea brews, I put away any dishes that are in the rack, lay out my clothes for the day and quickly make the bed. I also find waiting for the kettle or for something to heat up on the stove a good time to put odds and ends away, go through my wallet (I like to put loonies and quarters into the laundry jar and other change into my coin jar) and maybe check the pantry or look out laundry - that sort of thing. It really is amazing what you can get done in a very small amount of time.
Margie from Toronto


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