Wednesday, January 3, 2024

"The List."


This time of year hubby and I always sit down and have a talk about what jobs need doing around the house.  I am a creature of habit and I like to plan out things ahead of time.  I will say this year our list is nice and short, as we have done a lot of the main jobs that we wanted to do over the past couple of years.

So this is our list for 2024:

  • Re-sand the front walkway, as it has moved.  This will involve using a pressure washer and hiring a tamper from a DIY store.  It sounds like a big job, but it's pretty straight forward.  We did the back patio a couple of years back and it's still as good as new. Probably $200 for everything if that.  The most expensive thing will be hiring the tamper.
  • Re-jig our closet.  Again not a huge job as I have figured a couple of things out.  I want to get the most use out of the space we have.  This will involve buying a chest of drawers and doing some drywall touch ups where we have to take down shelves and repainting it. So under $500 for everything, which will be cheaper than getting a company in to do it.
  • Decorate the basement.  This is a HUGE job, only because it is carpeted and full of furniture.  This job will be done at the end of the year when hubby retires. No idea on the cost....hoping to be under $500 for all the paint and drywall compound; we have a lot of nail pops in the drywall.
  • Finish off the laundry/storage room.  Again, a big job that will be started at the end of the year and may work it's way into 2025.  Again no idea on the cost at this point in time; I will estimate $2,000 as it's a bare space, so walls and ceiling are to finish and flooring to put down.
The last two jobs we are not in a rush to do, so they may be included in 2025 as well.

Not sure what other jobs will pop up through the year, but these are the main ones.


Angela said...

We have been having these discussions too. Everything is queued up behind Item One "replace the Toyota" - it won't last much longer!

Magpie's Mumblings said...

Sounds like your list is a pretty big one! Will pay off in satisfaction though. My 'list' is ongoing - use up stash!!

My Piece of Earth said...

I have a short list. Now I am on my own I need a reliable car, mine is still OK (2006 Chrysler 300) starting to rust, A/C does not work, no intention of replacing that $$$'s. A new car has been ordered with the help of my son.

That's enough --or maybe throw in a nice vacation.

Jackie said...

Harvey makes a list of outside tasks he wants to complete over the spring, summer and fall. I usually have a few tasks to add to that list.

He then makes a list of items to work on in the house when it gets too cool to work outside.

My list is like the previous poster.... Use up as much of my craft stash as possible this year before I purchase more.

God bless.

Linda said...

My list seems to be buying things, but this list has grown since all of it is something we have been discussing this last year. Getting into a shop to buy a mattress is the biggest for me.
Practical Parsimony


Tuesday was a mixed bag type of day. Had the appliance repair guy come again to install another circuit board in the fridge.  When hubby got...