Thursday, December 18, 2008

Skywatch Friday

These photos were taken on Monday December 15th, 2008 around 4.30pm. It was super windy and the temperature was dropping like a stone. There seemed to be such a variety of colours and I just love the red/pink colour, so much activity in the sky.

For more Skywatch Friday photo's please click on the link


Merisi said...

One can literally see the temperature drop! Beautiful images.

Anonymous said...

Those are really lovely, like an Impressionist canvas - maybe Turner.

George Townboy said...

Gorgeous shots!!

Namnet said...

What a beautiful set of magical sky. It must have been some kind of witchcraft to create such a sky. Wonderful.

Ruth said...

Our cold days have produced those lovely pink clouds too. It is a nice change from grey! Happy SWF. Thanks for visiting my blog.

Jo's-D-Eyes said...

Great series of sky's welldone I like it very much.
heeh Gil, just curious: are you britich and living in Canada?

Merry CHRISTMAS!! , visit my blog:


Dewdrop said...

I love it when the colors mingle in the sky in their own litle cloud dance. Awesome! The textures are awesome too, like cotton candy.

Susan at Stony River said...

What wonderful stormy winter skies! I'm cold just looking at them LOL

Reader Wil said...

Very beautiful series of this sky. Some skies have such beautiful colours! I am going to look for your delft blue as you wrote in your comment.

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens said...

I like a turbulent sky, these are beautiful. Happy Christmas days.

Anonymous said...

Lovely orange clouds.

EG CameraGirl said...

Ah! Blue skies with a touch of pink! Very pretty.

Photo Cache said...

I can feel its windy from your photos. Nicely done.

Anonymous said...

Nice set of images. Great sky activity. Great photos.

Leora said...

Pretty pink cotton balls in the sky! Well captured.

Pearl Maple said...

Great photos for Sky Watch Friday with all kinds of things going on with clouds. Thanks for sharing and thanks for your kind comments on my post earlier.

Anonymous said...

I love the pinks also - lovely shots.

Anonymous said...

Lovely photographs!

Gaelyn said...

A beautiful colored sky.

I also like the dinasours at the airport. Hope your son doesn't get snowed in Vegas.

Twisted Fencepost said...

Beautiful pictures!
At work today, I took a gentleman home. He had a strong English accent. Reminded me of you. Even though I've not heard you speak.

Anonymous said...

The contrail or white whispy streak looks like the horn of an ancient animal attached to its furry head and body. Sort of... :)

Anonymous said...

Must have been a magical moment to see it all happen above you. Thanks for sharing these beautiful shots!

Pat - Arkansas said...

Beautiful photos. They remind me of a line in a Robert Louis Stevenson poem: "Who has seen the wind?..." Surely, one can see the wind in this sky. Well done.
Thanks for your visit to my SWF post.

The Good Life in Virginia said...

Hi Gil...beautiful the swirl effect the wind does with the clouds...

Jane Hards Photography said...

These are lovely impressionist skies.

George said...

You captured such beautiful colors in these pictures. I'm glad you braved the cold to get them.

Christine said...

Thanks for your recent comments on my blog. You have been busy collecting all those vegetable recipes.

Sandi McBride said...

Oh that top one looks like an Angel coming in for a landing and there's a tailspin on her skirt! LOVED THEM ALL!

Anonymous said...

Great captures of a very colourful sky. Oh, and I know how cold it got!

Linda Reeder said...

Wispy and puffy and pink - lovely.

Arija said...

Such flippancy the clouds display
as here and there they float,
it leaves the sky in disarray
as happily they dance and sway
to heaven's tune a cheerful roundelay.

Unknown said...

Wow these are great shots Gill

Anonymous said...

Cool soft pink shade w/ blue - Nice shots!

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

Lovely colours Gill and plenty of movement.

Firefly the Travel Guy said...

Great pink in the clouds. Thanks for visiting my blog as well. Here it is hot with few clouds today. Summer skies. Whoo hoo

ben wideman said...

Love the colors!

Naturegirl said...

A very dramatic sky! Great photos!

vincibene said...

WOW! Wonderful series!

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

what an amazing shot!
Thanks for stopping by

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Gill: Neat shots, the wind must explain the arcing contrail.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful shots. I like the pinks and reds in the sky, too. :)

Colin Campbell said...

Lovely shots and ho ho ho to you and your family. I like colourful skies like that.

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...