Sunday, December 14, 2008

Today's Flower

I haven't had time to post these past couple of weeks on Today's Flower. I bought this Poinsettia the other week, its a new variety, which reminds me of a Candy Cane, and is so pretty.

For more of Today's Flower photos, please click on the link


Naturegirl said...

Love this! I usually get the white ones but this would look great in my home!

Anonymous said...

I havn't seen this variety. A candy cane is a good description of it. It's quite shiny like a candy cane. I'm sure it will become a new best seller in the market place.

Arija said...

It certainly is very unusual and very colurful indeed.

♥ Denise BC ♥ said...

Hi, beautiful. Poinsettia also buy to decorate my house for Christmas, his is magnificent.
hugs, Denise BC

Anonymous said...

I do't think I have seen this lovely variety of Poinsettia before. thanks for sharing!

Rune Eide said...

I haven't seen that variety before - I'll see if I can get one and do some photographic experiments...

Reader Wil said...

Well I like that new variety of the poinsettia! Beautiful!

Lakeland Jo said...

I haven't bought myself a poinsettia yet and must do so. I was hoping I might get one as a gift- oh well...

Anonymous said...

Candy cane poinsetta looks luscious enough to eat! But I won't, I'll just look and enjoy.

Anonymous said...

What lovely colour, we use to grow these in New Zealand they grew massive, have always adored them here, pitty they wont grow out side. take care fiona

sweetmom said...

lovely poinsettia! perfect flower for Christmas..

Lib said...

Hi Gill,
WHat a beautiful Poinsettia!
Merry Christmas!

DrowseyMonkey-Photos said...

That's a very unique poinsettia - never seen one that colour. Beautiful!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Gill: That is wonderful, I've seen so many new types this year it is amazing.

Champ Townboy said...

Lovely new variety! Looks very sturdy.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. I love all the different poinsettias. This one is great! Enjoy your week...

Anonymous said...

I have seen poinsettia in plain color - seeing two colors in the leaf made it look so interestingly beautiful. I love it.

My Today's Flower is posted here. Please drop by if you have the time. Thanks!

Tea Time With Melody said...

I just love poinsettias but I have a brown thumb so I have to get the fake ones. And...keep them dust free. I don't know what's harder watering a plant or dusting a fake one. lol

kayleen said...

what a gorgeous poinsettia. thanks for sharing.

Laerte Pupo said...

Nice color.
I like Poinsettia, and i have one white.

Redzlan said...

Beautiful flowers , never seen this.

mommanator said...

O realy geat shots and flower!

lilly said...

Nice, I agree they are very pretty! I've never seen this variety before.

Margaret's Ramblings said...

They are so beautiful but somehow I always manage to kill them. I suspect it is the central heating. It's got so I won't buy them anymore as it makes me feel like a murderer.

Anonymous said...

I've never seen this kind and it does look like a candy cane...

Norm said...

wow! what a unique color of poinsettia, so beautiful..visit my white color too..

Lilli & Nevada said...

Those are beautiful i don't think i have seen this kind before wonder how they produced that

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

What a beautiful colour and so festive - may get one myself this year.

A x

Anonymous said...

Hi Gill, Happy Holidays! Your flowers are festive. :)

Anonymous said...

HI! so beautiful flowers!

nonizamboni said...

Love the candy cane effect! [Reminds me of the bag of Lindt chocolate balls I bought today in 'dark chocolate w/peppermint centers.']
Thanks for the bit of Christmas cheer!

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

oh it's beautiful. I have never seen one like this.

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...