Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Plans for 2009...........

I class myself as one of those organized people, who plans ahead. And one of those things I do is make plans for what we are going to do in the year ahead. However this year I have drawn a blank, and I have no idea why?

It maybe have something to do with the fact we may put the house up for sale in the Spring. We took it off the market at the beginning of December, as things were pretty dead. We may start looking again in February.

I normally have a plan of action of what jobs need to be done around the house for the coming year. This year nothing?

A couple of things I need to do this coming year is loose some weight, mind you I say that every year and basically get no where with it.

Save money, that's an on going thing. I would like to keep our grocery budget down to $300 a month. I shouldn't be buying groceries for the rest of this month, and my totals for 2008, are an average of $321.39 spent on groceries per month, and an average of $196.24 savings per month. All which is better than I hoped for. I set myself a goal of $350 per month on groceries and $150 per month in savings back at the beginning of the year.

Other than that, I have nothing else planned. I would like to put at least another couple of months money into our emergency savings account.

I suppose until we decide whether or not we are going to move things will be up in the air for a while.

Have you got anything planned for 2009?


Anonymous said...

My plan is to save, save, save. Get my emergency fund full and start my home deposit fund!

I hope your grocery and saving plans go well!

Rinkly Rimes said...

My two hobbies are writing and directing melodramas, and taking part in a Speaking Club. Also, we're off on a cruise to NZ in Feb. I feel full of optimism for the year.

QuiltedSimple said...

Save money, not spend so much, save money, not spend so much - that pretty well sums up our plans!

Cathy said...

I have to get back on the coupon wagon. I fell off a few months ago and I am running behind but just can't catch it..in other words. I am being lazy in the coupon world.. I just hate cuttin' them things out.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Good Lucky with your plans in 2009, Gill. I'm not sure what this year holds for us. As retirees, our lives are fairly simple these days. We do enjoy traveling --and need to learn to balance that with all of the gardening and yard work that is ongoing. I told George that I don't want to be a slave to our yard--so that we can travel some. Well--who knows what will happen in 2009. The one thing I really hope for is good HEALTH for both of us.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Good Lucky with your plans in 2009, Gill. I'm not sure what this year holds for us. As retirees, our lives are fairly simple these days. We do enjoy traveling --and need to learn to balance that with all of the gardening and yard work that is ongoing. I told George that I don't want to be a slave to our yard--so that we can travel some. Well--who knows what will happen in 2009. The one thing I really hope for is good HEALTH for both of us.

George said...

I have to join you on losing weight and saving more. Those are new goals for me, either, but maybe I'll make more progress in 2009.

Lakeland Jo said...

Lose lots of weight and improve fitness- that will suit me

Gill - That British Woman said...

thanks for all your comments.....


Twisted Fencepost said...

Not a darn thing!
Everytime I start planning, people start messing me up.
Kudos to you for looking ahead!

Marla said...

I know all the things that need to get done in the upcoming year. It's all so overwhleming, I don't write them down. I do make to do lists for the weekends when I am not working.

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey said...

Oh gosh I need to loose weight also.I don't know why I can't eat what I want too !!
Thank you for remembering me in your prayers, HUGS !

Clippy Mat said...

well i'm going to start saving all of my loose change. we'll see how that goes.
i'm going to get fit, lose weight.
(writing it down here means i HAVE to do it right?)

Connie Walsh said...

Have a whole lot of plans for 2009... want some of mine? No one says you have to have all your plans ready on Jan 1st. This might be a good time to examine your big dreams and see if you can make progress on them.

Winifred said...

I have to say I don't have a lot planned. That's because in the past lots of things I've planned have not materialised.

Why? Two reasons, one because I'm a procrastinator and two because I had a job where everything had to be planned to the last detail often day in day out and I was fed up with it. I quite like a bit of spontaneity now. If I feel like doing something I just do it.

My only thing planned is going on holiday in May to Rhodes. It might be the last time we holiday in Europe for a while because of the Euro.

One thing I would like to do is learn to swim the crawl. I've only ever done breast stroke so who knows.

I'm not planning to save a huge amount. The interest rate here is so bad there's nowhere to get a good return. I've never been a big spender but maybe I'll do a bit more soup making, I love it.

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...