Thursday, December 11, 2008

Gifts for people who are hard to buy for..........

I am a member of Bzz and they have something called the Frog Pond, where you can view different websites.

I have seen a couple of neat sites, where I think they have some neat gifts for people who are hard to buy for. I wish I had seen these a month or two ago, as I think I would have got some of these things for some of the people.

The first site is Oxfam America I mean you can buy a dozen chicks for $40, here is Oxfam Canada , Oxfam Britain and Oxfam Australia For your own country, just google Oxfam and your country.

Another neat site is called Mokugift where you can plant a tree. You pick a continent, then pick a country, then pick how many trees, at a dollar a tree, its a cheap gift.

For those of you who can afford it there is One Laptop Per Child Foundation where you can give a child in a developing country a laptop for $199 USD.

Please let me know any other sites where you can buy a "gift" that will help out others..........


Anonymous said...

That is a great idea, there is a group that buys things like training or a cow etc, once I find out where I saw it will let you know, take care fiona

Lib said...

Hi Gill,
A great idea, thanks for sharing!
Have agreat day!

The Good Life in Virginia said...

good ideas...i like the idea of helping someone that really needs something that will make a difference in their daily lives.

thanks for sharing this.

Patty said...

The four daughters and their spouses plus Abe and I put our names in a hat and drew, this means we each have one gift to buy. Sure saves a lot of time and money. We don't put the kids names in and everyone still buys them each something. I keep telling them just getting together and letting the kids open gifts is enough of a Christmas for me, plus having our meal together.

Kim said...

I like the idea of helping out the less fortunate, but a laptop for a child in a developing country?! Wouldn't food, clothing or shelter be better? My child in this country doesn't have a laptop! :)

Lakeland Jo said...

I will check the Oxfam Britain out tonight-lovely idea, and creative as always

Winifred said...

When I worked instead of buying for each other we used to buy "alternative gifts" from CAFOD sort of thing as Oxfam. They are great. I've bought a goat, water for a village and school starter packs in the past. Much better than getting stuff you don't want or need.

Marla said...

They sound like some interesting websites. I haven't even started shopping yet!

mommanator said...

Greta gift ideas!

tony said...

merry xmas :) i have this netbook review here but i am not able to read your blok from that? any suggestions ?


A trip to the doctor's office.........

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