Thursday, December 4, 2008

Christmas catch up.......

So how is everyone getting on with their Christmas preparations? I finally got the quillows made for my niece's and nephew and they look fine. I still have to make something for the little girl next door. I made a start yesterday on a small quilt for her. Have got the top done, just need to put it all together and quilt it. I will post both pictures of the quillows and of the quilt later in the week.

After that I do think I am done. I got all my cards, written and mailed last week, so they're all done. I am hoping to get the house decorated this week, and will make a start on wrapping the gifts as well.

Here is an idea for a quick a cheap Christmas gift, that dd made for her friends. Hot chocolate mix. Dd saw these in a store for around $5 each. You can make these for a lot cheaper. The "bags" are disposable icing bags, which she picked up at Michael's and used a 50% off coupon on it. She got the other ingredients at a bulk food place and the ribbons from the dollar store. It was my idea to add the candy canes, as she was thinking of buying mini whisks. They were well received by her friends.

Basically all it is, is mini marshmallows, chocolate chips and hot chocolate mix. If you click on the bottom photo, you will see the instructions for use that dd printed on labels and stuck on the packages.

Looking forward to hearing about all your preparations.


Strawberry Jam Anne said...

I'm under way as well Gill and will be "blog-posting" about bits and pieces. Love the gift idea - I have some of those icing bags already - and the rest of the contents are no problem. Visiting my daughter this weekend and will pass the idea on to her - thank you.

The quillows had me puzzled for a while and then "light dawned". Well it is early. Looking forward to seeing the photos though.

A x

stitchersanon said...

Ooooo I like these! Bet they would cost a fortune at BHS where I have seen something similar...lovely idea.

Twisted Fencepost said...

I haven't even started yet. *sigh*
Love the cocoa idea. I may have to try that one.

Caroline said...

Christmas Prep - Slowly. It's going real slow in fact Gill
Maybe tomorrow!!

The Good Life in Virginia said...

what a clever idea...and the packaging is great.
have a wonderful day ;)

Janet said...

What a great gift idea, so simple yet it looks fabulous. DD obviously takes after mum with her bargain hunting. :-)

Lakeland Jo said...

I like your present idea.
I am not sure I will try it- anything like that I do always looks like a four year old did it... same as my handwriting really....

My preparations are going ok but haven't chosen a tree yet...

mommanator said...

Great idea! I may do some of those? How are my holiday preps going Egads is there a holiday coming?!

Lib said...

Hi Gill,
I'm caught up on my Christmas list for now.
I make these hot choc. gifts everyone loves them. I find the bags at If Its Paper also.I also put Friendship(Russian)Tea mix in some. I Love Handmade with Love gifts!
Have a great day!

AmyK said...

Oh my goodness, I've got all the materials! I could make this right now! YAY! Thanks, Gill, for posting such an awesome idea!!

Sandi McBride said...

When the kitties learn that the tree isn't their own private domain, I'll be ready to finish decorating it! And the shopping is nearly over. I love hand made things to give, it shows thought not money...thanks for passing on your idea...

Marla said...

I haven't made much progress with my Christmas preparations. I hauled all the boxes of decorations done last weekend. I put up the tree, got the lights on and hung a few ornaments. I took a coffee break and all of the sudden my emotions took over and I just started to get sad and cried. I just all of a sudden missed my husband so much! I haven't got into the spirit yet. I did hang a few more ornaments last night. I haven't done any cards, or bought any gifts! I have alot to do and no desire to do it! My husband shopped with me and I am dreading doing it alone!

Rinkly Rimes said...

I've never heard of a quillow before. I'll save it for ABC Wednesday in 2009.

Jane said...

These look great! I did a hot chocolate jar for a friends housewarming recently. Couldn't find the icing bags! Thanks for the tips - I'll look in Michaels!

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...