Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Watery Wednesday......

This weeks photo's were taken back in June of this year and are the hydro plants on both sides of the Niagara River. The first two are on the Canadian side, the third one is on the American side.

We had hoped to take a tour of the Canadian plant, but when we got there, the only tour we could go on, was with a school party, so we decided we'd give it a miss!!!

For more information on the hydro plants please click on this link.

For more Watery Wednesday photos, please click on this link.


Anonymous said...

Great pictures, Gill.
One of these days I'm gonna get up that way to see that river and the falls.

mommanator said...

I was fascinated by the fact that it doesn't appear to have much water going though it, but the noise is something

Lakeland Jo said...

There is nothing more likely to guarantee a wrecked tour of anywhere than a school party. Urgh. School holidays are a pain too but at least you don't have kids hunting in packs. I sound like a grumpy old woman I know!

michael bird said...

Cool. We all know of Niagra Falls, which is awesome. But there is also something very remarkable and awesome in its own way in what man has done with these gifts of nature. Thanks for the reminder.

Anonymous said...

Amazing architecture, all needed to "tame" the river!

Sandi McBride said...

I remember when I was a young teen going to the falls...would love to go back again...maybe this Summer! Thanks for the photos...

Lib said...

HI Gill,
Neat post!
Have a great day!

Carletta said...

As Michael said - a different view of Niagra we don't always see or think about.
Great angles on your photos.

Mary said...

I really like that first photo with the bridge in the distance.

Liesel said...

I'm always interested in stew dams (I think that's how you call them in English?) so it's great to see your photo's. The inventions we humans make to control nature and this case water. Thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Great shots. Didn't feel like hanging out with the kiddies, huh? LOL! I find these kind of things fascinating. Thanks for sharing. :-)

Connie T. said...

The last one shows the movement well.

Unknown said...

Excellent photos. I'm a hydrologist with an engineering background, and now with the National Park Service. Water has multiple uses, many of which compete against one another. It's a struggle to find a balance.

Anonymous said...

Now these look familiar to me as I live near Buffalo NY. Great idea for WW,,,

The Southern Mom said...

Just wanted to stop in and say "Hi"...haven't been by in a while...Life has gotten in the way!

Anonymous said...

Interesting shots. I've never been there yet!

Evelyn said...

I live a mile or so from a hydro dam in NB, it is something else! it is also well travelled. evelyn

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...