Monday, December 8, 2008


A quillow is a pillow and a quilt. When it's all folded up it looks like a pillow like this: (as always click on the photos for more detail)

When you unfold it, it is a quilt, with a pocket where you can put your feet into, like this:

I first mentioned back in June of this year on this post
that I was going to be making quillows for my two nieces and nephew for Christmas. It had taken me this long to finally get them made. I must say by the time I had made the third one, I had got it down to a fine art. I used this pattern to make them. Here's hoping that they will like them?

The following photos, sort of show you how to fold it back into a pillow. I made all three of mine out of flannel, but regular cotton material would be fine as well.

I still haven't finished the child's quilt I spoke about last week, will post photos of that when I get it finished, hopefully some time this week.


Margaret's Ramblings said...

These are such a great idea.

Kk said...

nice ones!

can you tell me which camera you use please!

mommanator said...

They WIll like em- neat idea!

haunish said...

I used to make these all teh time, but had forgot how. Will be making some for my kids.Yours Look great!!

Lib said...

Hi Gill,
How neat ,I Love this idea. THanks for sharing!
Have a great wk.

QuiltedSimple said...

I've made these for Christmas gifts - they are WONDERFUL! These look very, very lovely.

Jess said...

I love these... Hope all is well with you...just coming by to catch up...

Have a great week

Love, Jess

Gill - That British Woman said...

thanks for all your comments. I am busy sewing at the moment, plus doing a hundred and one other things, so will answer any questions later on in the week.


willow and moo said...

The quillows are fabulous! It's great to see you sewing.

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

So that's what a quillow looks like. Had imagined just a quilted pillow (if you see what I mean). They look lovely - a great idea.

A x

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...