Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Got the house decorated for Christmas (lot of photos)....

I finally got the Christmas tree decorated today, and the rest of the house, so I thought I would share some photos with you. (as always, click on the photo's for more detail.)

Here is the tree:

Here are two of my favourite ornaments, both given to me by my mother. To the left, the pink one is a Wedgewood ornament, and I just love anything Wedgewood. To the right is a Delft pottery ornament, which my mother got in Holland.

I have my three Santa's in the living room as well:

Here are the two Santa's I have sitting on the sofa.

In the dining room, are my snowmen:

In the family room is my Fibre Optic Tree:

Standing either side of the fireplace are the Nutcrackers (the blue cable on the floor is from a computer we have set up in the family room at the moment):

I have a neat way of hanging my Christmas Cards. I take down a plate or a picture down off the wall. I attach a piece of wool to the hook and let it hang down the wall.

I then hole punch a hole into the card, and thread a small piece of wool through the hole, and then tie it onto the long piece of wool that is hanging from the wall.

This way the cards are out of the way, but people can read them easily though, and I don't have to put any more holes in the walls.


willow and moo said...

Gill, your tree is beautiful!

Lakeland Jo said...

I enjoyed looking at your decorations. I am inspired to start posting a few pictures of mine.

ADDY said...

Gosh, you have been busy. It all looks beautiful.

Clippy Mat said...

great decor. and i have some of the same snowmen!!. i really like the card hanging idea. always a challenge where to put them.

mommanator said...

so pretty and the cad idea is great I may hve to duplicate. I got my first card just yesterday. will be interesting to see how many I get, with our move to FLA

QuiltedSimple said...

Love your tree - we still have to get ours up - maybe tonight and tomorrow? hehe

The Good Life in Virginia said...

lovely decorations and tree...you are far more ambitious than me. i love seeing how everyone decorates their homes :)

i haven't even begun to think about putting a tree up. though...i have my goose decoy decorated with a lovely ribbon around its neck on the porch along with a miniture sled and a christmas themed wreath on the front and side doors.

Cathy said...

I love the card holder idea.. How simple. I love it.

Winifred said...

Your tree looks like something out of Homes and Gardens, lovely.

I love wedgewood too but haven't Christmas ornaments, I've got a couple of Christmas plates and a mug but I keep them up all year. My stepmother collects Harrods baubles, people bring her them most years.

My tree is still in the loft. Takes me ages to persuade my husband to climb up and get it. After Christmas it lies around for weeks upstairs while I persuade him to put it back! Can't get the tree in the garage, my son's MG Midget is still in there. He left home 7 years ago!

Lib said...

Hi Gill,
Everything is Beautiful.
You have been busy.A neat idea for hanging your cards.
I put mine in a basket, but like your idea.
Merry Christmas!:o)

Gill - That British Woman said...

thank you all for your lovely comments. I have had another super busy day again today, and I have to spend the evening sewing the binding on the quilt, so once again sorry for not visiting your blogs.


Twisted Fencepost said...

Beautiful tree and ornaments.
We collect snowmen, santas and reindeer.
That's a clever card idea!

Anonymous said...

Love the decorations very Christmasy!!

ChaChaneen said...

Love, love, love the decorations! Nifty idea with your cards too! You are just a well of talent we have barely tapped into! Have a great idea!

Rinkly Rimes said...

Are the two Santas related?

Evelyn said...

beautiful gill! my mother , and now me, hang a line from corner to corner of the living room and drape cards over it.
I need to get some decorations up, first need to take down the spring and thanksgiving decorations.

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

It all looks lovely Gill. The tree ornanments are beautiful. Your card idea is great too. May well do the same. Our tree is decorated now and I will continue with the rest of the house over the weekend. Have been away for a few days and now have to "catch up" with everything.

A x

A trip to the doctor's office.........

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