Sunday, December 21, 2008

A question and an answer......

First the question. My dad and step-mother bought me a Christmas Cactus a week or two ago. I got it on the 9th of the month, and finally watered it on the 19th, as until then the soil was pretty damp.

As you can see there are plenty of buds on it, but when it comes to flower they just shrivel up. I have it in the middle of the family room, not in a draught. Do any of you have any idea what is wrong with this plant, as it does not look a happy camper?

Now the answer. On last week's Today's Flower post I posted photos of my poinsettia, and said it was a new variety, well I have now found out the name. It is called Ice Punch. Which is sort of fitting, don't you think? From this article, it seems as though you guys in the States have had access to this variety for a couple of years now?


Sandi McBride said...

Gill, I think if you go here
you will find the answer you're looking for. This site has wonderful info on the Christmas tells you the whys and wherefores on the bloom drop you are experiencing! Good luck with it.

Gill - That British Woman said...

Thanks Sandi for the link, this is the problem I think:

One of the most frustrating things that can happen to Christmas cactus is after the flower buds have developed they drop off the plant. Bud drop can be caused by anyone of several different conditions. Usually it's because of over-watering, lack of humidity or insufficient light.

I think it was overwatered, before I got it.....


Anonymous said...

The chocolate cake is on its way!!!

Winifred said...

I've had that problem before but this year I've really neglected it, haven't repotted or fed it, I just stuck it on the kitchen window and it's the best it's been in years.

That poinsettia is lovely much nicer than the plain red. I haven't seen them here in the UK but to be truthful I've never looked at them in the shops this year. Maybe I'll check it out.

George said...

I think you're right -- your cactus was likely over-watered. They need very little water and really do best when 'neglected'.

mommanator said...

I am always amazed that they know when to bloom. Too much water can be the problem. I rarely water mine

A trip to the doctor's office.........

If you're a regular reader, you know our doctor's office is over an hour's drive away from where we live.  However hubby needed ...